Geoff Dolan

Geoff Dolan

Рождение : 1964-12-29, Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand


Geoff Dolan
Geoff Dolan


1979 год, Техас. Компания из шести человек арендует небольшой дом у пожилой пары фермеров, чтобы снимать фильм для взрослых. Хотя хозяин недвижимости сразу предупреждает, чтобы приезжие не шумели и вели себя прилично, продюсер, разумеется, пренебрегает его просьбой. Вскоре выяснится, что старички не такие безобидные, как казалось на первый взгляд.
The Kick
Graham Henry
The dramatic behind-the-scenes story of All Black Stephen Donald and the pentaly kick that saved the 2011 World Cup.
The Z-Nail Gang
Sergeant Smith
When a corporate mining giant moves into a small coastal town looking for gold and talking about trickle down wealth - some folk just aren't convinced.
Howard Broad
On the 7th of May 2009, Senior Constables Len Snee, Grant Diver and Bruce Miller arrived at 41 Chaucer Rd in Napier to serve a search warrant on Jan Molenaar for the growing of cannabis. This was just a routine warrant, something they had done countless times. What was meant to be an ordinary procedure turned into three of New Zealand’s darkest days and ended with one police officer dead, two officers critically injured and a member of the public fighting for his life. In some fifty hours Jan Molenaar made a permanent and devastating imprint upon the national psyche of New Zealand as he changed the lives of individuals, families, a police community, and a city. The siege was one of the worst and unexpected cases of violence both Napier and New Zealand had witnessed and it was all the more shocking because of its ordinary suburban backdrop.
Power Rangers Samurai: Clash of the Red Rangers - The Movie
General Tread
The Samurai Rangers team up with the mysterious RPM Ranger Red to fight off Master Xandred's Mooger army and a robotic supervillain from the RPM Ranger's dimension. But when both Red Rangers get struck with hypnobolts, they turn against one another.
Hugh and Heke
Hugh Harcourt
Two families on holiday, camp side by side on a spectacular deserted beach. Immediately territorial, the two men of the families draw a line in the sand in a stand off, but bit by bit as all the rest of the members of the families on each side cross the line and make friends the two men are left to sort out their issues together – through fishing!
Power Rangers Mystic Force: Dark Wish
The Power Rangers heroic crusade is put to the test when a wicked army drains all color and hope from Earth.
Венди Ву: Королева в бою
Security Guard
It is the story of an average, popular American teenager named Wendy Wu who discovers that in order to win the coveted crown she must first learn the way of the warrior. Wendy Wu has a one track mind, and that track leads directly to the title of homecoming queen -- no unscheduled stops, and no unnecessary detours. When a mysterious Chinese monk named Shen arrives to mold Wendy into a fearless kung fu warrior, however, her royal aspirations suddenly jump the track as she desperately attempts to juggle her boyfriend, her homework, and of course, the fierce competition to become homecoming queen. Now, as Wendy begins to train her mind, body, and spirit in the ancient tradition of the martial arts and her inner warrior gradually begins to emerge, the girl who once obsessed over popularity finally begins to put that popularity into perspective as she gradually realizes what truly matters in life.
Power Rangers Mystic Force: Broken Spell
After an age-old curse is broken, followers of dark magic -- now freed from their underground world -- threaten Earth. An ancient legend foretells five mystic warriors will master magic to combat the looming darkness. The new recruits -- thrilled to be superheroes with magical powers -- team up to battle dangerous witches, wizards, trolls, and beasts . . . but not until one reluctant candidate embraces the Red Ranger role and saves the day. A lesson is learned that real heroes are born in the fight for freedom and the Mystic Force is destined to keep the peaceful planet out of evil hands!
В доме моего отца
Пол Прайор, всемирно известный военный журналист, возвращается на похороны отца домой после того, как 17 лет назад сбежал оттуда в поисках лучшей жизни. Для 16-летней Селии Пол является кумиром, и она всячески пытается с ним сблизиться и подружиться. Однако, окружающие не одобряют их взаимоотношений, и, когда Селия пропадает без вести, именно Пол становится главным подозреваемым в полицейском расследовании...
Lawless: Dead Evidence
Detective Sergeant Dave Bruford
A killer thought behind bars is killing again. It's up to John Lawless (Kevin Smith) and Jodie Keane (Angelina Dotchin) to stop the murders.
For Thom
Mr. Wallace
Thom is an isolated teenage girl suffering from suicidal thoughts and depression caused by her deteriorating friendship with her best friend Milly. Thom’s only support comes in the form of her caring brother Joe. Through Thom’s journey of trying to heal her mental state does she come face to face with what it means to be a friend and how what appears on the surface is hardly ever the full story.