Matthew Neal

Matthew Neal


Matthew Neal


Эксперимент Холли Кейн
Carl Gower
Одержимый психолог пытается перепрограммировать собственное подсознание. Но после того, как её поведение начинает всё дальше отклоняться от нормы, она начинает подозревать, что эксперимент вышел из под контроля.
Shell Shock
Tom was a soldier, a British veteran of an anonymous war from the 1990's. Whilst serving, soldiers under his command were separated from the rest of his patrol and ambushed. His search for them leads him to a traumatized soldier, shaken and confused by something he has seen inside a farm building. Tom enters the building. What happened in there will haunt him forever. He returns a decorated hero but he can't forget.