Isabel de Sá


O Homem do Dia
Tó and Pedro are cyclists from rival clubs, sponsored by small, highly competitive local companies: Famel (bicycles) and Caves (wines). Their competition extends to girls. Clara, the school teacher, ends up by marrying Tó, after he suffers a nasty accident which Pedro was involved - or that may have been Pedro's fault. 1 year later, it's again competition day when Clara gives birth to a son, and a similar head-to-head race finish...
Rosa de Alfama
Rosa Maria, whose father is a sailor, was picked up by Tomé, having a child of her son Renato, who is expelled from home.
Наш сын — адвокат
Сирота Адриана выросла в семье судьи Бенту, воспитывавшего ее как собственную дочь. Но девушка не оправдала его доверие. В один прекрасный день обнаружилось, что Адриана беременна. Произошло это прямо во время выступления с речью молодого адвоката Рауля Бенту, родного сына судьи. Первым делом начинающего юриста стала защита женщины, обвиняемой в нелегальном аборте. Между тем Адриана, потерявшая сознание прямо в зале суда, где присутствовала вся семья Бенту, категорически отказалась сообщить имя отца своего ребенка.
A Garça e a Serpente
Melancholic and atheist bank clerk Manuel is stuck in a love triangle with two women, the fiery art model Albertina and the quiet and religious Ana Maria. After spending several years working in Africa, Manuel returns to Portugal only to find both women already married, and his life marred by problems.
Frei Luís de Sousa
Assistant Editor
The tragedy of a woman who - after seven years of vain searches - gave up hope of finding her husband, a knight lost in battle in Marroc with Sebastião, king of Portugal. She marries, has a daughter by her second husband, and endures the silent reproach of an aid, Telmo Pais, the only who kept his hope that his master shall return, as well as the king... One day, a mysterious pilgrim arrives at the mansion.