First Assistant Director
Группа бандитов решает дерзко выкрасть опасного преступника из под стражи, но их планы нарушает серьезный ураган и голодные крокодилы, которые из-за наводнения смогли покинуть свою привычную среду обитания.
Garrett Spencer
Three members of an addictions anonymous group find themselves in a deadly escape room forced to face their most lethal challenge - their pasts.
A television reporter is attacked by a monster while investigating an environmental disaster in Florida.
Sergeant Dunkie
The young female CEO of a new ridesharing app must stop a serial killer who's using the app to lure victims into his car.
Line Producer
Семейная пара учёных решает поехать на побережье, где они когда-то познакомились, чтобы снова разжечь искру в отношениях. Однако, место, где возникла их любовь станет местом, где их постигнет внезапная смерть.
The Drifter
Семейная пара учёных решает поехать на побережье, где они когда-то познакомились, чтобы снова разжечь искру в отношениях. Однако, место, где возникла их любовь станет местом, где их постигнет внезапная смерть.
When a low level mobster is nearly rubbed out by the boss, he decides to take the bonus he was promised by force, so he kidnaps the boss and demands a hefty ransom.
Stephen Michoud
Ted Bundy: The Death Row Tapes delves inside the mind of a convicted serial killer who waited nearly a decade behind bars until he was put to death. At the same time, the documentary digs into the thoughts of the men who interviewed Bundy while he was on death row. These men explain how the memories of Bundy’s words are stuck in their brains until the end of their lives. The men who interviewed Bundy had to experiment with several different tactics until they were able to convince Bundy to open up and talk. Bundy details his murders and gives insight into the personality he embraced that ultimately led to his evil behaviour. This series of interviews attempts to put into words how Bundy carried out such horrific crimes. Going deeper than that, though, the men who interview him are ultimately searching for why Bundy decided to kill.
Pete Ross
When three very different people from three completely different worlds begin a deadly game of Russian Roulette, they soon discover that their pasts are a trilogy of overlapping events that have brought them together for one last session of group therapy.