Luis Dávila

Luis Dávila

Рождение : 1927-07-15, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Смерть : 1998-08-21


Luis Dávila (July 15, 1927 – August 28, 1998) was an Argentine actor. Dávila was born Héctor González Ferrantino on July 15, 1927 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He acted in 82 titles from 1952 to 1986. He died on August 28, 1998 in Buenos Aires.


Luis Dávila


Juventud sin barreras
A portrait of frivolous youth. Unfortunate events force a group of club-hopping young men and women to face reality and reevaluate their lifestyle.
Cuatro pícaros bomberos
Jefe del Cuerpo de Bomberos
Four friends, who are volunteer firefighters, get into a series of problems when they discover a fraud.
Hormiga negra
Filemón Santillán
To live in peace and progress, Guillermo Hoyos must pay the price of harassment from the authorities.
The Mummy's Revenge
Paul Naschy has a duel role as Amenhotep/Assad Bey, an ancient egyptian mummified Pharaoh, and the high priest who brought him back to life. In order For Amenhotep to achieve immortality, Assad Bey has to kidnap nubile young virgins in Victorian London for blood sacrifices.
Barcelona Kill
Redactor jefe
Las tres perfectas casadas
Javier Guzmán
Панчо Вилья
В 1916 году знаменитый мексиканский бандит- революционер Панчо Вилья спасается от казни и начинает творить суд и расправу..
Basuras humanas
An adventuress causes two friends to confront each other, fakes the death of one and kills the wife of the other.
My Wife's Boyfriends
Luis Otero
Emilio Antunez and his wife Charo, come to La Molina, willing to spend a few happy days of vacation. Charo, foreseeing that she will meet with important people, brings an assorted and elegant wardrobe, which is soon able to wear when she meets with Aurora, an old school friend who is married to the eccentric millionaire Taboada.
Las colocadas
Julia, Carmen and Charo are three young and funny ladies, lovers of three married men. These combine their family life and the relationship with them. The three friends share the hardships of such a situation. Julia is pregnant, but Enrique, the future father, decides to shirk his responsibilities
Дом голубей
Вдова Александра и ее дочь, школьница Сандра, живут на роскошной вилле в отдаленной части южной Испании. Однажды в город возвращается Фернандо, бывший жених Александры, и между ними разгорается прежнее чувство. Но, узнав, что он ради денег жил у богатой старой женщины, Александра разрывает отношения с ним. В порыве мести Фернандо совращает ее дочь, невинную Сандру...
The Two Faces of Fear
Dr. Michele Azzini
Doctor Miguel Azzini is found shot dead dead. The police suspect his colleagues: Elena Carli, his former mistress and owner of the clinic where he worked; Roberto Carli, her surgeon husband; Doctor Paula Lombardo, Roberto's mistress; and the clinic's administrator. Inspector Nardi discovers that Elena has a heart condition and had offered Miguel an increased sharehold in the clinic in order to dissuade him from leaving for another post. Elena's heart condition is worsened by the relentless police scrutiny and by her suspicion that Roberto is the murderer. She has to be rushed into hospital and is even more alarmed when Roberto prepares to operate...
Si estás muerto, ¿por qué bailas?
Ivanhoe, the Norman Swordsman
Stephen of Cunningham
Year 1000. At the death of King Henry, Stefano Cunningam seized with the power of power making himself crowned king of England and Scotland. Ten years later, a young Norman, Ivanhoe, returning home from the Holy Land where he fought, finds the nation prey to the violence and cruelty of Stephen and his acolytes. Conducted in prison for his opposition to the usurper, Ivanhoe learns from York, former advisor to King Henry, also held prisoner, that the "Norman sword", symbol of the power of the king of England and Scotland is not in the hands of Stefano, but is guarded by a Scottish clan loyal to the dynasty of Henry.
Le tigri di Mompracem
Lord Brooke
After the evil maharajah Varauni exterminated his whole family, the brave Sandokan decides to retreat on the island of Mompracem to meditate a terrible revenge against him
После ограбления дилижанса четверка отмороженных бандитов коротает время в мертвом городе, издеваясь над немногочисленными его обитателями.
Verano 70
Typical Spanish comedy of the seventies set in Benidorm, the famous coastal town of Alicante where numerous families come to spend the summer. It tells the travel arrangements and incidents that occur before arriving to the apartments as well as the return of working husbands to the city, once the families have settled on the beach, and their unsuccessful attempts to flirt while alone
Albert Duchamps
Главная героиня фильма — Хелен, зарабатывает на жизнь автогонками. Однажды она попадает в крупную аварию, после которой врачи настоятельно советуют ей отказаться от всех вредных привычек, бросить гонки и вести спокойный образ жизни, без потрясений и стрессов. В день выхода из больницы она получает письмо от своего бывшего мужа, Мориса, который приглашает ее приехать к нему на виллу в Испанию. Недолго поколебавшись, она срывается из родного города и едет в Испанию, на виллу к Морису. Приехав, она обнаруживает, что Морис снова женат на богатой и уже не молодой женщине, Констанс, и с удивлением узнает, что это приглашение написал вовсе не Морис, а его новая жена…
Johnny Ratón
Las nenas del mini-mini
«Штуки» над Лондоном
Картина описывает драматические события 1940-го года. Фашистская Германия несет угрозу всему миру, Англия противостоит ей, но постоянные вражеские диверсии и провокации противника истощают силы страны. И на фоне всего этого — нормальные человеческие взаимоотношения…
Simón Bolívar
Simon Bolivar is the true-life story of the leader of the 1817 Venezuelan revolution.
Las amigas
A group of women, who have always been good friends, are going through tough times: not only criticize each other and make life impossible, but also their love relationships are very poor. They will have to put everything in their power to get through this difficult time.
Смерть на высоком холме
Mark Harrison/Francis Parker
Главаря мексиканской банды подговаривают в Техасе провернуть весьма заманчивое дело, но хорошо спланированное ограбление банка срывают местный баловень судьбы и загадочный стрелок. В пылу схватки они захватывают бандитскую добычу. Но, что делать, если банда проходимцев не намерена мириться с этим?
Suicide Commando
World War 2 - a British commando squad is tasked with attacking the "secret" German airfield from which German fighters have been attacking bombers which are trying to stop German tanks from reinforcing the D Day defences.
Appointment in Beirut
il baro
When an international casino crime ring is planning a big score at a fixed roulette game, the casino police enlists the help of Jeff Miller, an alcoholic croupier, to nab the bad guys. Jeff is attracted to Laura, a singer at the casino, but she prefers the company of the leader of the thieving casino ring.
Llaman de Jamaica, Mr. Ward
Hot Diamonds in Cold Blood
When $300,000,000 in diamonds are stolen from a fiery plane wreck the British Government become concerned that it might be part of a plot to undermine the value of sterling. They hire professional photographer, amateur lady-killer, and undercover agent Steve Norton to investigate.
Перри Родан: S.O.S. из космоса
Captain Mike Bull
Команда астронавтов во главе с майором Перри Роданом летит на Луну для её исследования. В это время за ними следят мафиози с Земли. На Луне экипаж корабля "Звёздная пыль" почти терпит крушение, но выживает. С ними вступают в контакт инопланетяне человекоподобного вида с другой планеты, чтобы те помогли им с одной проблемой, но история приобретает несколько неожиданных поворотов.
Dynamite Jim
Dynamite Jim
During the Civil War, a Union officer tries to move a gold shipment out of Mexico despite the threat of raiders.
Vacanze in Argentina
Believing that his death is near, a millionaire who lives in Argentina brings three girls to benefit them in his will and they end up falling in love with three Argentines.
Agente Logan - missione Ypotron
Lemmy Logan
Agent Lemmy Logan is investigating the case of a missing NASA scientist and discovers that an ex nazi is developing a new super weapon.
Zampo and Me
Ana Belén is the daughter of a powerful businessman, widower. They live in a luxurious mansion, but she's not happy because his father does not pay much attention to her. One day go to the circus, where he meets Zampo, an old clown who will be a good friend. His father thinks that clowns are just useless and unsuccessful men, so Ana prohibit you go to the circus, but she ignores him ....
Man with the Golden Pistol
Doc McGregor, former surgeon become player, is wrongly accused of murder and pursued by Slade, a bounty hunter. In his escape he finds Larry Kitchener's corpse and decides to impersonate him. But his problems get worse as Kitchener was a famous gunslinger hired as sheriff for the people from Baldosas to stop Reyes, a Mexican bandit who has terrorized them.
Человек из Каньон-Сити
Red El Rayo
Рэд и Каррачо, сбежав из тюрьмы, устраиваются на работу к Моргану – богатому владельцу серебряной шахты. Возмущённые жестокостью хозяина по отношению к рабочим, они решают организовать сопротивление, заручившись поддержкой жены тирана.
Espionage in Tangiers
Mike Murphy / Agent S 077
A secret agent is assigned to capture a criminal gang that is threatening to destroy Earth with a death ray.
Place Your Bets, Ladies
Boris Gourdine
A famous American secret service agent tries to rescue a German 17-year-old prodigy scientist who has been captured by the Russians.
Flor salvaje
Tumba para un forajido
Frank, sheriff of Cumberland City, looks for his brother, Johnny, who is member of the gang of a Mexican bandit nicknamed "Lefty" in order to take him to see their father before he dies.
Wherever You Are
Lisa, a young wealthy has just been dumped by one of her lovers. One night at a bar in Torremolinos met Paul Vallier and asks Rudolph will you call tonight? Vallier is a writer in crisis intellectual and sentimental. Lisa falls for him but he is engaged to another man. An overdose of pills makes it look clear and at the last moment when he would fly out with her fiance is advised by an old friend of Vallier to return to him. Well it does and it is in the same bar and join hands.
Como dos gotas de agua
Ricardo Arriaga
The lawyer Angela Goñi is working in two cases at once: an man that wants to take to Pilo, a young orphan, tp a protection child school. And Mili, another young woman neglected by his father, a businessman, whose aunt Teresa wants to claim through the courts. Taking advantage of the amazing similarity between the girls, the lawyer makes many things to try to resolve the situation as happy as possible.
El escándalo
Prohibido soñar
Relevo para un pistolero
Edwin Jackson
A stranger from Boston offers a notorious Arizona outlaw a job he can’t refuse.
La gran coartada
The Blackmailers
Don Andrés, el sacerdote
A girl has two suitors: a famous bullfighter who is in love and rejecting a pawn. His relationship with the bullfighter is hampered by the harassment to which he submits. After suffering a serious catch, the bullfighter lifesaving through the locket she gave him.
Los que verán a Dios
The Twins
Twins separated at birth are reunited 12 years later.
Bahía de Palma
Mario starts working as a pianist in a party hall in Palma de Mallorca, where he finds two girls, an old pupil, and Clara, who will get to conquer him.
Carnival of Crime
Ray Donato
Mike, an architect, is married to Lin, a beautiful and unfaithful woman. Returning from a trip, he finds she's disappeared. When he tries to locate her, he also learns about her many affairs, and he gets closer to Marina, his efficient assistant, who helps him solve the mystery.
Plowed field
The story of a family that lives in a rural area of the province of Buenos Aires through three generations.
La hermosa mentira
Operación Antartida
Two sailors traveling to Antarctica, delude themselves with meeting to the same woman on their return. Totally natural scenes filmed in Antarctica.
Novia para dos
Gerardo Vulcano
A shopkeeper who dreams of singing songs and her bosses dispute it, believing her heir to a fortune.
Red canary
Lo que le pasó a Reynoso
A gaucho kills a man in a duel and must flee.
My Husband and My Boyfriend
When a woman finds out that her husband is being unfaithful to her, she decides to give him a dose of his own medicine, making him jealous with another suitor.
Vida nocturna
A cabaret in Buenos Aires on Christmas night.
Sinfonía de juventud
The experiences of several young people who practice music and want to form an orchestra.
A rancher fleeing from marriage is conquered by a Spanish singer.
María Magdalena
A prostitute helps a scientist who deliberately infects himself to test the efficacy of a vaccine.
El baldío