A washed up horror film director named Kôji Kuroishi and his assistant director named Miho Ichikawa visit a house deep in wooded mountains to film a movie. Once arrived, they meet a mentally deranged woman named Maria Miyoshi who proclaims she's a fan of Kuroishi's works. The woman pleads that she's experienced the same things as documented in Kuroishi's works. Unexplainable phenomena quickly begin to happen, so Kuroishi sets out to document these experiences and turn them into a film, together with the help of a 'super volunteer' named Shôhei Uno and a handsome psychic medium named Nanashi.
At a movie studio in 1988, rookie director Hanako Hayashi is making her directorial debut, the erotic As Far as Love Will Take Us. She's under pressure from her producer and crew. When she is about to shoot the climax of the film, numerous problems arise. To make matters worse, the set is visited by a censor from the Film Certification Committee, and the key scenes end up being cut out to avoid an R rating. Can Hanako realise her dream?
Single mother Miyabi relies on her child idol daughter Kasumi as their only source of income – as a ticket to future financial stability. But what happens when Kasumi is taken from the line up?
Shizuki Nanoha
They'll take back your uncool heart to protect peace! One day cool director Piyoshi Kurosawa offers Phantomirage a sparkling big role! That's right, if this is the case, let's make everyone's heart flutter through the movie! However, Reverse Police's SakaSama found him! The director who is busy with the shoot is turned into an Ikenaier! With that, the movie will no longer be cool!
Молодой боксёр со смертельным диагнозом Рэо встречает девушку по вызову Монику, которая из-за наркотической зависимости должна разным неприятным людям. В течение одной ночи в Токио парочке придётся удирать от коррумпированного полицейского, якудза и киллерши, посланной китайской триадой.
После очередной воровской ходки в магазин, Осаму и его сын натыкаются на маленькую девочку, мёрзнущую на холодной улице. Поначалу жена Осаму протестует, но узнав о её тяжелой жизни, соглашается приютить девочку. Их семья и без того бедна и они едва сводят концы с концами, промышляя мелким воровством в магазинах. Тем не менее, живут счастливо, до одного происшествия...