Rute Correia


Costume Design
Его дом - война. Ее дом - Португалия. И все же молодая жена лорда фон Кеттена намерена сделать жилище своего мужа, негостеприимный замок на скале в северной Италии, своим домом. В течение одиннадцати долгих лет, пока он отсутствует, она строит здесь свою жизнь.
The Black Book of Father Dinis
Costume Design
The story of the adventures, in the twilight of the eighteenth century, of a singular couple formed by a little orphan with mysterious origins and his young Italian nurse of a similarly uncertain birth. They lead us in their wake, from Rome to Paris, from Lisbon to London, from Parma to Venice. Always followed in the shadows, for obscure reasons, by a suspicious-looking Calabrian and a troubling cardinal, they make us explore the dark intrigues of the Vatican, the pangs of a fatal passion, a gruesome duel, banter at the court of Versailles and the convulsions of the French Revolution.