Jon Blåhed


The Count
A personal deconstruction of the true crime genre, focusing on the figure of a relative of the director: a notorious Swedish criminal nicknamed “the Count.” As it recounts the life story of this three-times suspect of murder, the film challenges the seemingly unquenchable thirst for stories about violence. A thrilling, topical, and political documentary made to dispute the viewers’ need and wants for this type of true stories – a true Nordic noir, the first of its kind.
The Longest Day
First Assistant Director
This melancholy, dryly comedic Finnish-language film is the fourth of a five-part series on minority languages in Sweden.
A young woman from Stockholm moves to her boyfriend's hometown in northern Sweden, but the relationship quickly ends. She finds a job and stays, for reasons she doesn't even understand herself. How do you become part of something new?
A young woman from Stockholm moves to her boyfriend's hometown in northern Sweden, but the relationship quickly ends. She finds a job and stays, for reasons she doesn't even understand herself. How do you become part of something new?
Shut Up Haters
Maja (22) lives in Stockholm, Sweden, but a death within the family forces her back to her hometown of Pajala. In Pajala, her sister Sofia lives with the troubadour Johan. After the funeral, Sofia will accompany Johan on a summer tour around Tornedalen, and Maja decides to come along. It will be a journey where questions about their origin and the future of the Tornedal will be put on their head.
Shut Up Haters
Maja (22) lives in Stockholm, Sweden, but a death within the family forces her back to her hometown of Pajala. In Pajala, her sister Sofia lives with the troubadour Johan. After the funeral, Sofia will accompany Johan on a summer tour around Tornedalen, and Maja decides to come along. It will be a journey where questions about their origin and the future of the Tornedal will be put on their head.
Одни в космосе
First Assistant Director
В недалеком будущем гигансткий космический корабль покидает землю и в поисках спасения отправляется на другую планету. На борту всего двое - 12-летняя Глэдис и ее младший братишка. Дети надеются однажды добраться до места, которое станет их новым домом, но всё меняется, когда что-то неизвестное врезается в их корабль - больше они не одни в космосе.
Maj Doris
Maj Doris follows the 74-year-old legendary Sámi woman Maj Doris Rimpi. Twenty years ago she had another kind of life. She traveled all around the world and she experienced a lot. Nowadays Maj Doris lives alone on a farm above the arctic circle in Sweden. She keeps reindeer but she’s also a sought-after artist, painter and actress.
Maj Doris
Maj Doris follows the 74-year-old legendary Sámi woman Maj Doris Rimpi. Twenty years ago she had another kind of life. She traveled all around the world and she experienced a lot. Nowadays Maj Doris lives alone on a farm above the arctic circle in Sweden. She keeps reindeer but she’s also a sought-after artist, painter and actress.
Second Assistant Director
Юная Тельма влюбляется. Пробуждающиеся чувства внезапно высвобождают ее пугающие тёмные способности. Когда подруга Тельмы пропадает, девушка осознает, что это может быть ее виной…