A poor wild-life writer named Hamsteri, who is obsessed with natural disasters, lives in a wooden cottage in the countryside with his only friend, Minnie the mouse. In the village he is considered a bit odd and he is indeed special! When a lottery-winning family moves in next door, Hamsteri gets the hoarding opportunity of his dreams and in the process changes the course of the lives of Rurik, a bookkeeper who has lost his will to live, his wife Tellu and their children. Thus begins hoarding for what Hamsteri imagines will be "the cruellest winter ever".
Eden is a coming-of-age film about a Protestant Confirmation camp on a summer’s week, set in the archipelago of Helsinki. Aliisa is the intellectually confident non-believer, Jenna is the queen bee and Panu is the scared bird. The experience of these teenagers is affected by Tiina, a young and eager priest.
История проповедницы Марии Окерблум, совершившей несколько жестоких преступлений в Финляндии. Она была заключена под стражу, но сбежала из тюрьмы и воссоединилась с последователями своего учения. В этот момент ей был брошен вызов со стороны самых юных участниц секты.
Ворчун хочет умереть, потому что вся работа уже проделана и смысл жизни пропал. Но вместе с мрачными мыслями к нему неожиданно приходит новая забота. Его 17-летняя внучка София оказалась в беде, и остро нуждается в упрямстве и мудрости своего деда. Так Ворчун обретает новый смысл жизни и желание раскрыть тайну.
In the 1920s, two names dominated the world's long-distance running rankings. Paavo Nurmi was a legend in his own lifetime, but Ville Ritola is remembered by only a few. These biggest rivals to each other were different in almost every way, but they both shared a passion for winning.