Jacob Torres


Заклятье. Первое пробуждение
Новенькая Сара пытается вписаться в компанию подростков. Однажды вечером она идет с ними в ночной клуб, а по дороге домой друзья встречают маленькую девочку с куклой в руках, одетую в старомодное платье для первого причастия. Сара еще не знает леденящую городскую легенду о девочке-призраке, готовой отомстить любому, кому не посчастливится пересечь ее путь...
"Laia" is located in the imaginary village of Sinera, a fishing village inhabited by a series of extreme characters, indiscriminately diverted to the adversities of destiny. There, Laia lives, a woman marked by a miserable and unhappy childhood, that is debated between her cruel husband and lover who is his best friend and faces the hatred of a whole town while dreaming of a freedom that only the sea can grant.
T is for Tiles
Short directed by Victor Garcia, produced by Roxbury Pictures for the ABC's of Death (2012).
Barcelona, abans que el temps ho esborri
"Barcelona, abans que el temps ho esborri" is a chronicle of the high bourgeoisie who made the industrial revolution in Catalonia. An ironical walk along the Barcelona of the twentieth-century through the memories inherited by one of its descendants, Javier Baladia, that takes us to the golden years of a cosmopolitan and cultured elite, who left us a legacy that has made today's Barcelona an international reference. The private life of a family. A personal portrait of the twentieth century.
Merry Little Christmas
Cristina and her mother live in an inner world of fear and pain, unable to regain his life after the scars left on them by the brutal beatings of their father and husband.
"One of the thematic lines that Juanjo Giménez's cinema has covered is dedicated to football. In addition to Rodilla, his shorts Libre indirecto (1997) and Máxima pena (2005) bring us closer to this world, whose passion is not so much in the big leagues and championships, but in the emotional universe that cinema is for many people."
The Three Wise Kings travel in search of the Messiah, with unexpected obstacles on the way.
Santi Soler (Petit)
Испания, начало 1970-х. Сальвадор Пуч Антик — обычный студент из Барселоны, умный и весёлый парень, который любит красивых девушек, посиделки в барах с кружкой пива, хорошую музыку и интересные книги. Но ему выпало жить в фашистском государстве, и он не готов закрывать глаза и стоять на коленях. Сальвадор и его друзья берут в руки оружие и превращаются в лихих грабителей банков, а все захваченные деньги идут на подпольную борьбу с преступным режимом Франко.
Máxima pena
Suplente 2
At the bench, the coach and three reserve players, including a sleepy goalkeeper. The game is about to start. Our team needs to win. The coach paces nervously and relays instructions to the players on the field... But the coach's attention to the ongoing game is repeatedly interrupted by family members, from the youngest to the oldest, who come one by one to remember him that a significant family gathering is about to take place and that his presence is needed. The coach is reluctant to leave the field on account of the importance of winning this game. What is this important gathering? Are his priorities proper?
The Cycle
The Man
A naked, blood-soaked man throws a corpse into a dimly lit basement. The cadaver lands against another body.