Michi Que Doan

Michi Que Doan


Michi Que Doan is a Vietnamese American non-union film assistant director, working to join the Director's Guild of America's (DGA) Southern California Qualification List (SCQL) as a union 1st Assistant Director on motion picture productions. She was born and raised in Orange County, California and is currently based in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. She first worked in video editing for digital new media outlets such as World of Dance Network and David So Comedy. She later script supervised for Sundance NEXT Audience Award winner, Gook (2017). Since then, she has worked as an assistant director and in the production department on many other thought-provoking productions, such as A Boy. A Girl. A Dream. (Sundance 2018), Ms. Purple (Sundance 2019), and Annapurna Interactive's video game, Telling Lies (2019).


Michi Que Doan


Second Assistant Director
События разворачиваются в 1960-х в Сан-Франциско. Школьница католической школы Селина Геррера решает бросить вызов устоявшимся правилам и стереотипам, вдохновляя остальных девушек поверить в свои силы.
First Assistant Director
A girl born with one arm gets set up with a guy who has one hand - and she is pissed.
Father by Law
Assistant Director
A father attempts to reconnect with his daughter on her wedding day.
In this crime comedy, two murder suspects must cover up their tracks at a crime scene after a burger mishap.
In this crime comedy, two murder suspects must cover up their tracks at a crime scene after a burger mishap.