Executive Producer
Разведённая пара вынуждена объединиться, чтобы поехать на Бали и помешать дочери Лили выйти замуж за местного парня. По их мнению, девушка совершает ту же ошибку, что и они 25 лет назад...
Line Producer
A group of lifelong friends reunite to celebrate a special birthday, with Sydney's iconic Palm Beach providing a stunning backdrop for the unfolding drama. The good times roll, with loads of laughter, lavish meals, flowing wine and fantastic music, but slowly tensions mount and deep secrets arise.
Line Producer
Однажды, зависнув в Сети, обычный парень осознает, что он — член таинственной организации некромантов, один из охотников на демонов, овладевающих душами людей через смартфоны.
Production Coordinator
A young woman struggling to maintain a relationship with her boyfriend has her life upturned by the arrival of her estranged, maladjusted sister "Sweetie".
Production Design
An American military advisor becomes disillusioned by the brutality and corruption of the Central American government which hired him. When his shift in sympathies becomes known, he's arrested and tortured but soon escapes, along with a beautiful American woman, in order to join the rebels.