Like any industrious coastal town or city, Rio de Janeiro's port region has always been a hub for the confluence of cultures, nationalities and identities. Since 2013, it has also formed the basis of a research project for filmmaker Julia De Simone. Her third feature-length film – which was supported by IFFR’s Hubert Bals Fund in 2014 – shifts away from straightforward documentary and towards a more fictionalised form as it presents the story of Muanza, a woman born in the Kingdom of Kongo in the early nineteenth century and trafficked to Brazil, who awakens to find herself in the present, roaming the streets of Rio’s rapidly changing port region, known as ‘Pequena Africa’, or Little Africa.
Marta and Maria mourn the death of their brother Lázaro. A group of Jews try to comfort Maria while Marta leaves to meet Jesus. The disciples try to warn their master about the dangers of returning to Judea. Nearby, a miracle is about to happen.
Claudina (jovem)
Это фильм о жизни Луиса Гамы, одного из важнейших лиц бразильской истории - темнокожего мужчины, спасшего в суде более 500 человек, находившихся в рабстве. Гама родился свободным человеком, однако в возрасте 10ти лет был продан в рабство в качестве выплаты долгов своего отца. Даже будучи рабом, он всё равно научился читать и писать, а затем получил свободу и стал одним из самых уважаемых юристов своего времени.
Полицейский, который действует под влиянием своих инстинктов. Его жена, решение которой развестись с ним кажется ей непоправимым. Торговец наркотиками, чей главный мотив - просто выжить. И сержант в отставке, который скучает по своей жизни в казарме.
"Vista Minha Pele" is an amusing parody of Brazilian reality. It serves as basic material for discussing racism and prejudice in the classroom. In this inverted story, blacks are the ruling class and whites were enslaved. Poor countries are Germany and England, while rich countries are, for example, South Africa and Mozambique. Maria is a poor white girl who studies at a private school thanks to the scholarship that she has due to the fact that her mother is a cleaning lady at this school. Most of her colleagues are hostile to her, because of her color and social status, with the exception of her friend Luana, the daughter of a diplomat who, having lived in poor countries, has a more comprehensive view of reality.