Véronique Barbe


After a difficult separation, Serge Jr. takes his daughter Lily, 9, on a truck ride across Canada. They head to Alberta and its legendary Badlands World’s Best Truck Rodeo, a race Lily and him have been dreaming about. On the road, under his daughter’s increasingly worried gaze, Serge will eventually need to face the music.
A Birthday
On her birthday, a single mom tries to bring light in the lives of her two young children by inventing a car game where they conquer hidden corners of their village.
После смерти мужа Рэйчел с дочерью переживают не лучшие времена. Помощь приходит с неожиданной стороны — от его бывшей жены. Две матери и две дочери, до сих пор терзаемые ревностью, должны преодолеть горе утраты и справиться со сложными отношениями друг с другом.
How Tommy Lemenchick Became a Grade 7 Legend
Ophelia is a whip-smart 12-year-old girl who must solve a vexing problem: she’s never been kissed. There are several candidates in her class, but none have Tommy Lemenchick’s smile.