Araquen Rodriguez


El futuro
Executive Producer
El futuro
Executive Producer
Laura Garland lost her husband on the war while she’s pregnant. She lives in a big house which is divided in two. Government pursuits her claiming she must occupy the whole house, if she doesn’t, they will take it from her. Laura leases the house to Ricky, an outlaw that will bring new trouble in her life. At least she has another plan.
Executive Producer
An intimate portrait of Marcos López, unique and unclassifiable figure, film director, visual artist and one of the most prominent contemporary photographers in Latin America.
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На борту круизного лайнера, проходящего через южную часть Латинской Америки, молодой моряк обнаруживает таинственную дверь, ведущую в квартиру в Монтевидео. Тем временем в небольшой деревне на Филиппинах группа фермеров находит в долине старый заброшенный сарай.
Don't Cry for Me England
In 1806, in the mist of the British invasion of Buenos Aires, football is introduced. A merchant of the time sees in this sport a unique business opportunity and in the process awakens a passion so great that it can replace the war.
La sirena de Monterrey
Executive Producer