Lee You-mi

Lee You-mi

Рождение : 1994-07-18, Jeonju, North Jeolla, South Korea


Lee Yoo-mi is a South Korean actress who made her acting debut in 2009. In the following years, her work was limited to minor roles in several film and television series. On September 28, 2020, it was announced that Lee has signed an exclusive contract with Varo Entertainment. In 2021, Lee rose to prominence outside South Korea for her role oin the Netflix series "Squid Game". Following the series' international success, Lee's follower count on Instagram increased from 40,000 to over 6.5 million in a matter of days. Lee Yoo-mi becomes first Korean actress to win ‘Outstanding Guest Actress’ at the Creative Arts Emmys.


Lee You-mi
Lee You-mi
Lee You-mi
Lee You-mi


New Normal
Hyun-Jung, a woman living alone nervously watching the news. Seung-Jin, a middle schooler trying to raise his failing grades by doing volunteer work. Hyun-Su, a woman trying to find a friend of the opposite sex through a dating app. Hoon, a man who finds a mysterious letter with written instructions to find the woman who penned them. Gee-jin, an unemployed man with a one-sided crush on the stewardess next door. Yeon-jin, a musician and part-time worker at a convenience store who lives a crappy shitty life, dealing with rude customers daily. These six people's lives intersect in unexpected and disturbing ways over the course of four days.
Synopsis 1. "Today's Superpower" (26min, 오늘의 초능력, o-neul-eui cho-neung-ryeok) by Lee Min-seob People who claim to be able to use superpowers once a day gathered! But why can't they use their superpowers? Do they really have superpowers in the first place? 2. "1+1" (30min, 1+1) by Han Jay "Toot! I'm 1+1!" One day, the same alter ego as me appeared! 3. "Jangah & Chichung" (35min, 장아치청, jang-a-chi-cheong) by Kim Tae-hoon-II "Burp!" Once you start burping, there's nothing you can do. A comedy action movie limited to 60 minutes, filled with real superpowers by superheroes. 4. "LOVE SICK" (23min, 러브씩, reo-beu-ssik) by Jung Seung-hoon A year after the end of the zombie crisis, Seung-beom prepares an unforgettable proposal for his girlfriend Ji-yoon who saved him.
Today’s Superpower
Jiwoo has supernatural powers that let her become invisible once a day when holding her breath. One day, she is taken to the police for stealing from a convenience store and meets Minsung who can teleport once a day, Hajin who can fly, and Kim Gongik, the mind-reader. But they all say they couldn’t use their powers that day. Did they bump into each other by chance? Why couldn’t they use their powers that particular day?
Ban So-yeon
После VIP-премьеры фильма корейскую кинозвезду Чон Мина похищают незнакомцы. Чон Мин сначала думает, что его кто-то разыгрывает, но жестокость похитителей помогает понять, что похищение - не шутка. Он пытается найти выход, но похитители требуют от него огромную сумму выкупа в течение 24 часов. Чон Мин сталкивается с настоящей жестокостью, которая намного отличается от той, которую он видел в фильмах. Ремейк фильма "Спасти мистера Ву" производства Китай 2015 года, основанном на реальных событиях.
Young Adult Matters
Se-jin, a high school student, becomes pregnant and gets ostracized by her family and school. While wandering the streets, she meets Joo-yeong, an experienced runaway, and tries to get an abortion with Joo-yeong's help.
Everyone is There
Lee Gyu-Jin
Soo Yeon decides to commit suicide to end the bullying she goes through at school, when a savior appears. A woman punishes the bullies on behalf of Soo Yeon and saves her from the reality of hell.
Scent of a Ghost
Ji Yeon is a beautiful university student, majoring in music. She is dating Dong Seok, but Dong Seok’s parents want him to study abroad. The day before he is scheduled to leave South Korea to study abroad, he prepares a proposal event for Ji Yeon. Ji Yeon does not appear at the event.
Never Ever Rush
Park Hwa-young
Hwa-young is an 18-year-old student living alone. Her friends call her “mom” and use her house as their place to hang out, but don’t really include her in their clique. Hwa-young pays particular attention to one of the friends, Mijeong.
The Whispering
Byun Ji-eun
Six high school students, who have finished their college entrance examinations, accidentally discover a haunted house with eerie rumors to it. Inside there, the students start to hear the whispers of death and vanish one by one, as unstoppable, extreme terror engulfs them.
The Heartbeat Operator
Hye Eun studies literature at Jeonju University. One day, she falls in love with Seung Bin but is disappointed to see that he has a girlfriend named Joo Ri. Suddenly, an Indian girl with magic appears in front of her and she gives her a heartbeat operator! Hye Eun is happy to lure Seung Bin with the device, but he has a problem with his heart. Eventually, he discovers what the device really is. Will Hye Eun receive true love?
Superpower Girl
“Superpower girl” Mina, is in the top of her class, the center of attention and the envy of everyone. “No-power girl” Juri is the total opposite, as her classmates sometimes forget she even exists. One day, Mina can't seem to close her eyelids, while Juri discovers her hidden powers.
Will You Be There
Yeon-ah's Staff (uncredited)
Soo-hyun comes across magical pills that allow him to go back and forth in time. 30 years to the past, young Soo-hyun meets future Soo-hyun and learns that his girlfriend will soon die because of him. In order to save her, the two Soo-hyuns try to change the past together, but a completely new and unexpected past is formed that leads to a new future.
Как французский фильм
Двое влюбленных приходят к гадалке, но она говорит, что если они останутся вместе, то умрут по истечении ста дней. Влюбленные не верят и решают бросить вызов судьбе. Героиня другой истории решает обмануть судьбу и самой свести счеты с жизнью. А последние дни она решает посвятить дочерям. Персонажи третьей истории пытаются бороться за внимание красивой девушки, которую они встретили в баре, но времени у них ещё меньше - одна ночь. И только последний из героев этого фильма знает: иногда одна ночь - это даже слишком много.
The Avian Kind
Novelist Jeong-seok is looking for his missing wife. A woman appears in front of him and suggests that she can find his wife. Meanwhile, some people approach him and ask him to find missing people. They find themselves becoming chased at some point.
Грубая игра
Ad Girl (uncredited)
Неизвестный актёр Ён мечтает стать большой звездой. И вот однажды фильм, в котором он снимался, становится очень популярным, и парень просыпается звездой. Он открывает для себя новый мир славы, власти и удовольствий, но не понимает, что у всего есть оборотная темная сторона, и за все в этой жизни надо платить.
Yoo-kyung's Friend 1
Банда из пяти человек похищает мальчика и воспитывает его как своего сына. Мальчик вырос и превратился в настоящего убийцу. Теперь его зовут Хваи, и он решает выяснить, кто же он на самом деле.
The Russian Novel
About an aspiring author who wakes up from a 27-year coma as one of his country's finest authors, credited for a book he didn't write.
Жёлтое море
Tae-won's Daughter
Северокореец Кунам (Ха Джунву) работает таксистом в Китае. Он должен «чосонской» мафии крупную сумму денег за южнокорейскую визу для его жены. Выплатить этот долг в обозримом будущем представляется нереальным, поэтому он вынужден терпеть издевательства бандитов. Кроме того, уже долгое время нет никаких вестей от уехавшей в Сеул жены. Поэтому, когда главарь банды Мюнга (Ким Юнсок) предлагает ему дать недостающую сумму в обмен за убийство одного человека в южнокорейской столице, Кунам соглашается и отправляется нелегалом в Южную Корею.
We Can't Go To Heaven, But We Can Love
It tells the story of the love and friendships of girls in the summer of 1999, the year that many believed would be the end of the world.