Janice Power


Дежурный папа: Летний лагерь
Mrs. Mayhoffer
Папаши Чарли Хинтон и Фил Райерсон берут на себя руководство летним детским лагерем. Не имея никакого представления о том, как следует жить в лесной глуши, ремонтировать ветхие и полуразрушенные строения и обращаться с неугомонной малышней, Чарли и Фил вскоре теряют контроль над ситуацией. Чтобы не загубить все окончательно и не лишиться работы, Чарли призывает на помощь своего отца, полковника Бака Хинтона, уже давно потерявшего с ним всякую связь. И теперь уже трем горе-отцам надо будет навести порядок в лагере, сплотить коллектив и научить детей стойкости и умению прощать…
God's Army 2: States of Grace
Farrell's Mother
A drive-by shooting in Venice, California, changes the lives of five people forever. States of Grace tells the story of a homeless street preacher, Louis, a gang banger, Carl, an aspiring actress, Holly, and two young missionaries, Lozano and Farrell, in what critics have hailed as one of the finest films of the year and one of the best Christian-themed films ever made.
Right on Track
Art Teacher
Based a on a true story about two sisters who came out on top of a man's sport. The story is based on Erica and Courtney Enders, two sisters who get in to junior drag racing and make it all the way to the top. The two sisters fight a battle of fellow racers who are against having girls race with them therefore it pushes them harder to compete against their competition. Erica becomes stressed when her racing life becomes mixed with her social life and academic goals, and decided to quit racing, until she realizes racing is what she truly wants to do. Finally towards the end of their teen years the Enders sisters come out on top to win the junior drag racing national title. They continue to race throughout high school and college, and still do so today.
Brigham City
Wes Clayton is a lawman and a bishop in a Mormon community called Brigham. The town is shaken when a woman from California is found murdered. Clayton and his young deputy work with an FBI agent sent to investigate. As a civil and spiritual leader in the frightened town, Clayton must uncover the town's deepest secrets, find the murderer and keep Brigham from ripping itself apart.