Allan Pinvidic


Тайны Авроры Тигарден: Последняя сцена
Online Editor
Когда голливудская съемочная группа приезжает на съемки в Лоуренстон, и звезду фильма неожиданно находят убитой в своём трейлере. Библиотекарь Аврора Тигарден обращается к Клубу реальных убийств с просьбой помочь ей сократить длинный список подозреваемых и доказать невиновность писателя Робина Дэниелса, с которым она когда-то встречалась.
Can We Take a Joke?
In the age of social media, nearly every day brings a new eruption of outrage. While people have always found something to be offended by, their ability to organize a groundswell of opposition to – and public censure of – their offender has never been more powerful. Today we're all one clumsy joke away from public ruin. Can We Take A Joke? offers a thought-provoking and wry exploration of outrage culture through the lens of stand-up comedy, with notables like Gilbert Gottfried, Penn Jillette, Lisa Lampanelli, and Adam Carolla detailing its stifling impact on comedy and the exchange of ideas. What will the future will be like if we can't learn how to take a joke?
Подходящий жених
Кейт даёт советы об отношениях в своём популярном блоге, но собственный парень бросает её в день помолвки. Чтобы не опозориться, она принимает помощь друга детства, который соглашается стать её женихом на несколько месяцев.
All Yours
Online Editor
Cass, a high-powered attorney and single mother of two, is on the hunt for a new nanny after her precocious kids ran off the last one.
All Yours
Cass, a high-powered attorney and single mother of two, is on the hunt for a new nanny after her precocious kids ran off the last one.
Sonic Magic – The Wonder and Science of Sound
The Nature of Things: The Antibiotic Hunters
Dr. David Suzuki explains how antibiotics have been over prescribed for decades and it has led to the fact that now there are bacterial infections that are resistant to them, and people are dying by the thousands.
The Nature of Things: The Antibiotic Hunters
Online Editor
Dr. David Suzuki explains how antibiotics have been over prescribed for decades and it has led to the fact that now there are bacterial infections that are resistant to them, and people are dying by the thousands.
Color Grading
In a groundbreaking project developed by MISCELLANEOUS Productions, a group of multi-barriered youth collaborated with a team of professional artists on POWER, an evening of solo performance pieces, ensemble drumming and dance numbers, all of which take a raw, honest look at the things that matter to youth in the community: power, racism, immigration, poverty, violence, sexism, addiction and love, presented at Vancouver’s Rhizome Café. This documentary focuses on four young artists -- Roberto, Natasha, Dakota, and Michael -- showing their struggles and their transformation through performance.