Birgit Bergmann


Zu ebener Erde
Zu ebener Erde
Спокойной ночи, мамочка
Assistant Editor
На окраине кукурузного поля в сельской глуши стоит дом. 10-летние близнецы ждут возвращения своей матери. Когда она приходит, ее лицо закрывают бинты после пластической операции. С этого момента все меняется — отчужденная и холодная, она постепенно изолирует их семью от внешнего мира. Мальчики начинают подозревать, что эта женщина — не их мать, и пытаются выяснить правду любой ценой
This documentary accompanies the truck squad Treibstoff („Fuel“) for one year in their search for a home. The idea of vehicle sites is fairly new in Austria and confronted with quite a few problems. We experience first hand their major efforts for a political solution to legalize vehicle sites in Vienna. They express their hopes, wishes, motivations, fears or anger and move like an odyssey from fallow land to fallow land. The landowners are not interested in this alternative life-style and always come up with the same excuse: Something will be built here! With every removal tensions are rising...
This documentary accompanies the truck squad Treibstoff („Fuel“) for one year in their search for a home. The idea of vehicle sites is fairly new in Austria and confronted with quite a few problems. We experience first hand their major efforts for a political solution to legalize vehicle sites in Vienna. They express their hopes, wishes, motivations, fears or anger and move like an odyssey from fallow land to fallow land. The landowners are not interested in this alternative life-style and always come up with the same excuse: Something will be built here! With every removal tensions are rising...
This documentary accompanies the truck squad Treibstoff („Fuel“) for one year in their search for a home. The idea of vehicle sites is fairly new in Austria and confronted with quite a few problems. We experience first hand their major efforts for a political solution to legalize vehicle sites in Vienna. They express their hopes, wishes, motivations, fears or anger and move like an odyssey from fallow land to fallow land. The landowners are not interested in this alternative life-style and always come up with the same excuse: Something will be built here! With every removal tensions are rising...