Erica Anderson

Erica Anderson


Erica Anderson


Ice Road Killer
Lauren Taylor
Follows Helen and her daughter Lauren, who go on a trip to an isolated cabin in the cold north and meet a hitchhiker who actually is a thief trying to evade a cold-blooded killer, and now Helen and Lauren are on the murderer's radar too.
Love Triangle Nightmare
Brittany, while attending her “Divorce Party Weekend,” meets a handsome stranger named Jake. On the surface, he appears to be everything her ex-husband Austin is not. After a chance meeting at a coffee house a few days later, she finds herself beginning to fall for him. Meanwhile, Brittany is still friendly with her ex-husband, Austin, who is beginning to question this new relationship. Sad to say, his warning goes unheeded, as she sees it as jealousy. As it turns out, Jake is evil, and she might find this out when it's too late.
Mommy's Little Star
Still reeling from her mom's divorce, a 12-year-old discovers an app that helps her become a social media star. However, she soon learns that her mother's new boyfriend has more on his mind than just managing her career.
The Perfect Wedding
Brooke Weston
Lindsay is about to marry the man of her dreams- until everything spirals out of control at her bachelorette party. With the wedding called off, she soon uncovers her friends devious scheme to steal away the man she loves.
Убийственная мода
Peyton Jules
Либи устраивается на работу своей мечты, в магазин одежды марки CCC, и завтра у сотрудников большой день — презентация новой коллекции и визит популярной fashion-блогерши. Пока работники в ночную смену меняют выкладку, а бутик из соображений коммерческой безопасности находится в полном локдауне, пара инновационных самоподгоняющихся по фигуре джинсов начинает убивать.
Killer Prom
Maya Wilson
After losing her mom in an accident, a teen and her father welcome a distant cousin named Sienna into their household. Hoping to claim the family as her own, the psychopathic Sienna hatches a devious plan to recreate the prom she never experienced.