David Lyon

Рождение : 1941-05-16, Sierra Leone

Смерть : 2013-06-07


Зелёные пальцы
Home Secretary
Колин Бриггс - заключенный, попадающий в экспериментальную тюрьму, в которой можно свободно передвигаться по территории и заниматься интересными делами. Внезапно Колин узнаёт, что у него есть талант к цветоводству. Это сразу замечает местный гуру, который вдохновляет его и нескольких других заключенных принять участие в престижном конкурсе садоводов.
Richard II
Thomas Mowbray
The incompetent Richard II is deposed by Henry Bolingbroke and undergoes a crisis of identity once he is no longer king.
Tell Me That You Love Me
Leslie Boyd
Laura Simms has an exciting job as a top magazine editor, but her love life's a disaster. Her luck seems to change when she meets Gabriel, a handsome but mysterious man who believes in old-fashioned love and marriage.
Death Has A Bad Reputation
Patrick Cowlishaw
Adaptation from a novel by Frederick Forsyth.
Codename: Kyril
At the height of the cold war, a known Russian spy ("Kyril") is sent to the UK under falsely reported pretenses in order to hopefully indirectly spark an unknown mole in the KGB to reveal himself; the endeavor eventually has repercussions which none of the initial players could have predicted.
Reasonable Force
In times of civil unrest, crack police units like Inspector Maclntyre 's get the job of keeping order on the streets. But when a demonstrator dies after a riot, who will the public - and the Police Force itself - hold accountable?
Ping Pong
After restaurateur Sam Wong dies in a telephone booth after making a call, law clerk Elaine Choi is tasked with executing his will. In order for the will to be valid, it needs to be signed by its recipients, but Choi finds that each of them are reluctant to do so.
Empire State
Mr. Cavendish
In the docklands of East London stands the Empire State, a nightclub full of magic and mystery. Designed like an ocean liner, it's become a battle ground where anything can happen. In the midst of the action, a young boy stows aboard to search for his friend who has disappeared in the entrails of the club.
Защита империи
Political Pundit
Честолюбивый репортер Ник Маллен раскапывает историю о депутате парламента, который пользуется услугами той же девушки по вызову, что и агент КГБ. Несмотря на то, что связь между британским политиком и КГБ выглядит сомнительной, газета Ника публикует сенсационную статью, чем вызывает скандал. Ветеран журналистики Вернон, друг Ника, уверен, что депутата подставили. И после внезапной смерти Вернона Ник начинает понимать, что какие-то влиятельные люди не хотят, чтобы кто-либо отыскал правду об этой скандальной истории. Рейтинг фильма
The Price
Geoffrey Carr is a wealthy, key player in Britain's emerging computer industry, and newly married to Frances , a much younger woman, with wilful daughter Clare from a previous marriage. He'll do anything to make them happy, including stretching his finances to buy a Georgian estate in County Wicklow, where Frances grew up. Frank Crossan is an Irish Republican hitman on the run from British authorities. Seeking refuge with old girlfriend Kate, he creates a plan to kidnap a wealthy Brit for a ransom to fund a major arms deal. Their two worlds collide when Frances and Clare are brutally snatched away to a bleak hideaway and taken hostage. Geoffrey initially wants to cave in to the kidnapper's demands “ but nothing is simple when a personal crisis plays out against the forces of political intrigue, high finance and with the eyes of the media on them.
Macbeth and his wife murder Duncan in order to gain his crown, but the bloodbath doesn't stop there, and things supernatural combine to bring the Macbeths down.
Обед пахаря
As England begins its military engagement in the Falklands, a BBC news journalist attempts to climb up from his working-class roots, at any cost, lying to those around him to get what he wants, only to discover that he is the recipient of a deception far more clever than his own.
The Disappearance of Harry
Harry Webster
Harry Webster (David Lyon) is an apparently normal husband and father who resides in contemporary Nottingham, England, which was once host to a flourishing textile industry. One day, Harry leaves his house and vanishes. A note he left behind alludes to a double life he no longer wishes to lead. His wife Liz (Annette Crosbie) conducts a search for her husband. Her findings raise a disturbing question: Did Harry have anything to do with a series of recent factory bombings?
D-Day, leur jour le plus long