Paul Sparrow


This Little Life
Production Runner
A powerful one-off drama written by Rosemary Kay , winner of the BBC's Dennis Potter award for new screenwriting. Sadie and Richie MacGregor are thrown into the terrifying world of neo-natal intensive care when their son Luke is born prematurely. Willed on by his desperate parents, he gradually grows in strength - but as Sadie develops a unique bond with her son, her relationship with Richie begins to suffer.
Don't Leave Me This Way
Associate Producer
British academics Loretta and Bridget run into Sandra, an old school friend at a book launch. Although Sandra appears to be gay and carefree, Loretta notices an undercurrent of tension while Sandra stays with her for a few days. Loretta is saddened to learn her friend was killed in a car accident, and comforts Sandra's estranged husband Tom, her daughter Lizzie, and emotionally disturbed son Felix. While doing so she becomes to believe the accident may not be what it seems, spurred on by the information a local policeman provides her.
Production Manager
Коннор Маклауд — шотландец, который в 1536 году был сражен в битве, но мистическим образом воскрес, и родной клан изгнал его. Учителем Маклауда стал испанский дворянин, объяснивший, что он принадлежит к бессмертной расе воинов, которых можно лишить жизни, лишь обезглавив мечом…Сражение между Маклаудом и его вечным врагом Курганом, начавшееся в Шотландии XVI века, подолжается в современном Манхеттене. От исхода этой битвы зависит судьба всех смертных. Это часть дуэли, продолжающейся веками.
Nelly's Version
Associate Producer
People claim to know an amnesiac who finds herself in a hotel with a suitcase full of cash.