Sound Director
This is the story of the USSR all-star basketball team – European, Olympic and world champions. What does it mean to be at the zenith of fame, at the high-point of their athletic careers, while representing the interests of a totalitarian state? And from today’s point of view, was there a sacrificing of conscience in the name of athletic glory?
Прогуливаясь поздним вечером вдоль берега реки, молодой человек стал случайным свидетелем самоубийства женщины. А затем – полиция, медики, допрос… Можно было бы поставить точку, но Матисса Зелчса взволновала судьба этой несчастной, захотелось избавиться от укоров совести, и он решил выяснить причины, толкнувшие ее на столь ужасный поступок…
Sound Director
Once you stand still, things will come up to you. (Gottfried Benn) Using tableau-like takes of different places of the Muscovite suburb (Moskatchka), a poor quarter of the Latvian capital Riga, the film shows fragments of the choreography of life and combines them to form a picture of reality. Without making any comments, the camera observes the people’s behaviour, which reminds you of the early Flaherty and how his camera “stuck to” his film heroes . It also reminds you of the beginning of film art when the recording of reality on a strip of film was an event, in spite of its accidental character.