Prince Buri
Batu Khan, Genghis Khan’s military commander grandson, was elected commander in chief of the western part of the Mongol empire. Khan is confronted by a deeply spiritual man named Cesareani and a castle in Hungary that halts his invasion of Europe and ultimately causes his downfall.
When city dwellers Erkhmee and Selenge arrive at an old cabin deep in the Mongolian wilds, a foreboding settles over the couple. Erkhmee's seemingly keen desire to provide a safe and nurturing space for his artistic wife is at odds with the violent actions and mannerisms their quizzical neighbor observes. As the neighbor digs deeper for the reason behind this aberrant behavior, only more questions and trouble arise.
12-летний Амра живёт с родителями и младшей сестрой в общине монгольских кочевников. Его детство — вручную собранный кабриолет отца, сыр на продажу, школа и YouTube с подвисающей картинкой. Амра мечтает попасть на монгольскую «Минуту славы», но вскоре ему приходится резко повзрослеть. К самому дому мальчика подбирается международная добывающая компания, которая рушит не только степи, но и жизни людей.
Sodura is a girl of Taiga and relocated in the big city. She finds herself unable to adapt to the city lifestyle and returns to her home in Taiga, heartbroken. Her tribe blames her coming home pregnant with outsider's child.