Ian Yim


Somewhere Beyond the Mist
Two bodies are recovered in a reservoir. They are of a married couple who now leaves behind two orphaned young adult children. When Angela, the cop tasked to investigate the deaths, breaks the news to the couple’s daughter Connie, Angela is stunned. Not only does the cool and undeterred Connie already know about the deaths, she claims she’s responsible for them. So begins the mystery, but also the relationship between confessor, whose tragic backstory we learn about in flashbacks, and her investigator, who has parental troubles of her own.
Hong Kong is an international financial center where its property market is the most expensive in the world. Hong Kong people work hard all their life just to be able to pay for their house mortgage. Dream is a luxury in this city. Rachel and Ronald struggle between dream and reality. As time goes by, will they swim with the stream or forgo what they have and follow their dream...