Yov Moor


Some Rain Must Fall
40-year-old housewife Cai has lost track of who she is and who she wants to be. During one of her daughter’s basketball matches, she inadvertently injures an elderly woman. This seemingly trivial event is a catalyst for a life spinning out of control, as past events resurface while she moves into an unknown future. Director Qiu Yang follows a series of multi-awarded shorts with his debut feature, a mesmerizing and intimate drama about a woman forced to confront the wreckage of her life and her longing for change?
Making Of
The Pot-au-Feu
Eugenie, an esteemed cook, has been working for over the last 20 years for Dodin, a fine gourmet. Growing fonder of one another, their bond turns into a romance and gives rise to delicious dishes that impress even the world’s most illustrious chefs. When Dodin is faced with Eugenie’s reluctance to commit to him, he decides to start cooking for her.
The Nature of Love
Sophia is a philosophy professor in Montreal and has lived as a couple with Xavier for 10 years. Sylvain is a carpenter in the Laurentians and must renovate their country house. When Sophia meets Sylvain for the first time, it’s love at first sight. Opposites attract, but can it last?
A Real Job
Benjamin is a PhD student without scholarship support. Under the pressure of his parents, and in need of money, he becomes a substitute teacher in a middle school. Without training nor experience, and facing a declining public educational system, he discovers how tough this job can be. Hopefully, his supportive and committed colleagues will lead him to take a fresh look at the profession.
In contemporary Paris, German filmmaker Tomas embraces his sexuality through a torrid love affair with a young woman named Agathe, an impulse that blurs the lines which define his relationship with his husband, Martin. When Martin begins an extramarital affair of his own, he successfully gains back his husband’s attention while simultaneously unearthing Tomas’ jealousy. Grappling with contradicting emotions, Tomas must either embrace the confines of his marriage or come to terms with the relationship having run its course.
No Love Lost
Étienne is barely twenty when he falls in love with Valérie. They are hardly any more when their daughter Rosa is born. And then, one day, Valérie leaves and never returns. He chooses not to make a drama of it and builds a happy life for him and his child. Sixteen years later, when Rosa is about to lead her own life, Étienne recognizes his wife in a television report. The past brutally resurfaces, and father and daughter are propelled into one last chaotic family journey.
Voyages en Italie
A French couple burnt out by the routine of their daily family life decides after much hesitation to travel to Sicily for a short holiday. Voyages en Italie depicts the neuroses and eccentricities of Jean-Philippe and Sophie, the gracious dynamics of their relationship and the depth of their affection and intimacy.
The Dam
Merowe Dam in North Sudan. Maher works in a traditional brickyard fed by the waters of the Nile. Every evening, he secretly wanders off into the desert to erect a mysterious construction made of mud. Despite a disturbing wound in his lower back that seems to be eating away at his skin, he continues his labor day after day. While the Sudanese people rise to claim their freedom, his mud creation starts slowly to take a life of its own.
The Mountain
Pierre, a Parisian engineer, goes up in the Alps for his work. Irresistibly attracted by what surrounds him, he camps out alone high in the mountains and leaves behind his everyday life. Up there he meets Léa, a chef of an alpine restaurant, while mysterious glows glitter in the deep mountains…
Angry Annie
Annie becomes pregnant. Since she doesn't want to keep the child, she meets a movement that performs illegal abortions. But, in the seventies, Annie will encounter allies and opponents along the way.
Wilderness Therapy
Deep in the Pyrenees, two close friends at rock bottom have the idea of the century: to pull themselves of their misery, they will launch a horse trekking tour, a voyage through the mountains for tourists in search of nature, silence and adventure.
Абель узнаёт, что его 60-летняя мама, работающая учительницей в колонии, выходит замуж за одного из своих учеников. От этой новости ему не по себе, и он планирует сделать всё возможное, чтобы защитить её. Хотя, кажется, встреча с новым отчимом может открыть для него новые перспективы.
Since the death of Jesus, Mary Magdalene has withdrawn from the world. Her hair has turned white, she eats berries, drinks water from the rain and sleeps among the trees. Alone in the heart of the forest, she remembers her lost love. She looks for a way to find him.
Убойный монтаж
Начинающий режиссёр и не особо профессиональная съемочная группа подписываются на экспериментальный хоррор. Но во время съёмок все идет наперекосяк — ведущая актриса неубедительно изображает ужас, ключевой актер напился, а на самих киношников внезапно нападают настоящие живые мертвецы.
Седрик неудачно пошутил над женщиной, вследствие чего потерял работу и начал процесс терапии, чтобы освободиться от сексизма и мизогонии. Он нанимает таинственную и раскрепощенную няню, что еще больше способствует изменениям.
White Building
SAMNANG, 20, faces the demolition of his lifelong home in Phnom Penh and the pressures from family, friends, and neighbors which arise and intersect in this moment of sudden change.
Tom Medina
Tom Medina is sent by a juvenile judge to the Camargue, to live with Ulysses, a kind-hearted man in tune with nature. Inhabited by visions, fascinated by bulls and horses, Tom learns the trade of a herdsman at Ulysses’ side. He no longer steals and now thirsts for knowledge and aspires to become someone else. Revolted by the hostility which does not change towards him, he fights against his destiny and crosses the road of Suzanne…
Дикий штат
Когда в Америке вспыхивает Гражданская война, семья французских поселенцев вынуждена покинуть свой дом в Миссури, чтобы бежать и вернуться в Париж. Их сопровождает бывший наемник, чье беспокойное прошлое вскоре настигает его.
In the Dusk
Lithuania, 1948. War is over, but the country is left in ruins. 19-year-old Untė is a member of the Partisan movement resisting Soviet occupation. They do not fight on equal terms, but this desperate struggle will determine the future of the whole population. At the age of discovery of life, Untė discovers violence and treachery. The lines are blurred between the burning passion of his youth and the cause for which he is fighting. He will invest himself wholeheartedly, even if it means losing his innocence…
Жизненная необходимость
Размеренная жизнь Пьера Пердрикса изменилась с появлением искрометной и неуловимой Жюльетты Вебб. Подобно урагану она ворвалась в его замкнутый мир, заполнив его чувственностью и хаосом. Пьеру и его родным придется пересмотреть свои взгляды и начать жить по-настоящему.
Наследие: Застывшая кровь
Генри, один из наиболее разыскиваемых киллеров в отставке, живёт отшельником на берегу озера в труднодоступной лесной чаще. Однажды недалеко от его дома происходит несчастный случай: на мотосанях разбивается девушка. Перед Генри встаёт дилемма: спасти девушку, подвергнув себя риску быть обнаруженным или поступить так, как подсказывает здравый смысл и многолетний опыт.
Побег из Ракки
Color Grading
Ракка, Сирия. 2015 год. Фостина осознает, что попала вместе со своим 5-летним сыном в ад. Два молодых активиста Габриель и Аднан решают помочь Сильвену, мужу Фостины. Они разрабатывают опасную операцию по эксфильтрации женщины с ребенком. Это правдивая история о войне и мире, о молодом поколении.
Dead Souls
In Gansu Province, northwest China, lie the remains of countless prisoners abandoned in the Gobi Desert sixty years ago. Designated as ultra-rightists in the Communist Party’s Anti-Rightist campaign of 1957, they starved to death in the reeducation camps. The film invites us to meet the survivors of the camps to find out firsthand who these persons were, the hardships they were forced to endure and what became their destiny.
Манта Рэй
Недалеко от прибрежной деревушки в Таиланде, на берегу моря, где утонули тысячи беженцев-рохинджа, местный рыбак нашёл в лесу человека в бессознательном состоянии. Он спасает незнакомца, который не говорит ни слова, предлагает ему свою дружбу и даёт имя Тонгчай. Когда же рыбак пропадает без вести в море, Тонгчай начинает занимать его место в жизни, в доме, на работе и в сердце бывшей жены.
Менахем Ланг, актёр, обладающий необыкновенным голосом, возвращается в израильский город Бней-Брак, где прошло его детство и где находится центр ультра-ортодоксального иудаизма. Сейчас Лангу за 30, из города он уехал, когда ему было 20, после того как многие годы терпел изнасилования и сексуальные домогательства старших истово верующих членов общины. И случай Ланга далеко не единичный...
Who is alive, hands up!
Visual Effects
Red Bean and Green Bean sustain life by stealing food from the past. The time machine is also a portal for Seahorse – the only surviving girl in the future, to travel back to the present with the Beans family to search for help. A horrible truth is revealed. The 3 girls face a life-or-death decision. Past debt has to be paid in the present, otherwise humankind will become extinct in the future.
Who is alive, hands up!
Red Bean and Green Bean sustain life by stealing food from the past. The time machine is also a portal for Seahorse – the only surviving girl in the future, to travel back to the present with the Beans family to search for help. A horrible truth is revealed. The 3 girls face a life-or-death decision. Past debt has to be paid in the present, otherwise humankind will become extinct in the future.
Junior is a 13-year-old tomboy with pimples. After being diagnosed with stomach flu, Junior's body undergoes a bizarre metamorphosis.
Special Effects
Five people with contrasting profiles compete for a position within Matsuika, a multinational corporation recently set up in Morocco. Following an interview with the C.E.O., they are advised to undertake a mysterious test in a secret location. It will determine who will hold the position. All five applicants accept and are led into a distressing bus with no windows. After endless driving, an accident occurs with the candidates trapped in the wreck. Thanks to a joint effort, they manage to evacuate the bus only to find themselves lost in the desert with their driver nowhere to be found. They start to wander, questioning the nature of the accident. Is it part of the test? Despite their will to survive and an urge to find clues, mirages of their most intimate fears begin to haunt them.
Я прихожу с дождём
Visual Effects
Бывший полицейский Клайн, выполняя заказ загадочного миллиардера, отправляется на Филиппины и в Гонконг, чтобы найти сына богача — Шитао. Юноша — целитель. Он снимает чужую боль, перенося ее на себя. Его путь исцелений других — путь личных страданий. И для Клайна дорога к Шитао — тоже путь страдания.