Asta August

Asta August

Рождение : 1991-11-05, Danderyd, Stockholm County


Asta August


Jan, a nurse who is also a father, who was sexually abused by his father as a teenager. Working in Nuuk, Greenland, he tries to connect to the culture with sex. When someone calls him a Kalak, a Greenlandic word with a double meaning of both a "true" and "dirty" Greenlander, he wears the epithet as a badge of honor. But ultimately he has to confront his father.
Сожги все мои письма
Karin Stolpe
Успешный литератор Алекс подвержен приступам неконтролируемой ярости, из-за чего страдают его близкие. Гнев, как родовое проклятие, передается из поколения в поколение. Пытаясь справиться с собой, он обращается к детским воспоминаниям о деде, писателе-интеллектуале Свене Стольпе. Свен всю жизнь любил и ненавидел свою жену Карин. Алекс узнает, что причиной этих странных отношений была страсть, которую Карин питала к литературному сопернику Свена — поэту Улофу Лагеркранцу. Погружаясь в хитросплетения любовного треугольника, внук раскрывает волнующую тайну Карин...
The Pact
Aged 63, Karen Blixen is at the pinnacle of her fame and next in line to win the Nobel Prize for literature. It has been 17 years since she gave up her famous farm in Africa, only to return to Denmark with her life in ruins. Devastated by syphilis and having lost the love of her life, she has reinvented herself as a literary sensation. She is an isolated genius, however, until the day she meets a talented 30-year-old poet. She promises him literary stardom if he in return will obey her unconditionally – even at the cost of him losing everything else in his life...
Catcave Hysteria
A friendship is at stake when love comes in the way. A hurtful conversation is overheard. The bond between two sisters breaks when a bloody secret is revealed. The girls' bathroom is a place full of conflict that forces the truth to the surface. But it is at the same time forgiving and accepting.
Min Søster og Prinsen
Two sisters prepare in the hall of the castle as the prince awaits his suitresses. There's a lot at stake for their small village and it's not everyday that you find yourself so close to the power. However, the procedure for the visit has changed and the girls must now do everything they can in order to get the older sister ready for the fateful meeting.
Amna is plagued by sleep paralysis and has difficulty concentrating. She lives with her family, who are orthodox Muslims, but are themselves in doubt about their faith. She takes off her veil when she is at the University of Odense, while she and her mother in the mosque follow the family's religious traditions.
Scenes in the Night
Henrik lies in his death bed and his wife Marianne is there with him. For the first time she get to meet his lover Paula.
Emma, the Daughter of Ulf and Gunilla
The Time-Bomb waiting to go off reflects the fear of the times in which we live. It’s central character, an important government minister, finds himself squeezed between the pressures of political office and the very real, personal security threat that gives rise to his deepest, innermost fears. Fear is a strong and intractable human mechanism, the expression and form of which has changed throughout time. Once it was the darkness and its’ unknown power that terrified but today that fear has other faces.
A woman helps a prisoner free at Rome's airport and then falls in love with him.
In the film "Hypnosis", we follow the young couple André and Vera, who have been given the opportunity to air their start-up idea in a highly regarded pitch competition. Just before the competition, Vera tries hypnotherapy to quit smoking, an experience that comes with an unexpected side effect.