(archive footage)
Portrait of Julia Jean Turner, from her childhood to her rise of fame as Lana Turner, to her last role.
In this documentary on the life of Joan Crawford, we learn why she should be remembered as the great actress she was, and not only as "mommie dearest." caricature she has become. Friends, fellow actors, directors, and others reminisce about their association with her, and numerous film clips show off her talent from her start in silents to bad science fiction/horror movies at the end of her career.
A newspaper reporter's life is endangered when she is assigned to investigate a political assassination.
(archive footage)
Various MGM stars from yesterday present their favorite musical moments from the studio's 50 year history.
Mrs. Schultz
Фильм "Аэропорт" (Airport), созданный по мотивам бестселлера Артура Хейли, стал не только одной из кассовых кинокартин 60-х годов, но и своеобразным эталоном фильма-катастрофы, стиля которого придерживались режиссеры более позднего времени. Желая, чтобы его семья получила солидную страховку после его гибели, отчаявшийся неудачник угрожает, что взорвет лайнер, где, кроме него, находятся и другие пассажиры. Начинается паника...
Mrs. Peters
An eccentric Los Angeles dowager decides to fight back when her two greedy daughters attempt to have her declared legally insane.
Женщина, вынужденно бросившая своего мужа и новорожденного сына и сбежавшая из города, чтобы спасти их репутацию, возвращается назад много лет спустя. После убийства мужчины, который шантажировал её, угрожая обнародовать тёмный секрет её прошлого, она оказывается на скамье подсудимых. По воле случая её адвокатом оказывается её же повзрослевший сын, которого она продолжает защищать, скрывая свое настоящее имя.
Irene Talbot
A woman lives in Acapulco with moochers and a husband who married her for her money.
Проститутка Келли, сбежавшая из большого города от сутенёра, приезжает в городок Грантвилл — один из многих на её пути. Шеф местной полиции Грифф на короткой встрече велит ей держаться подальше от его города, советуя пойти в бордель на границе штата. Но Келли решает сменить образ и устраивается медсестрой в больницу для детей-инвалидов. Грифф, не верящий, что проститутка способна измениться, продолжает выживать Келли из города.
Jenny Brooks
A deranged animal lover unleashes his toothy pets on anyone who stands in his way. Obsessed with big cats the owner of a private Los Angeles zoo is a member of a cult called the “true believers,” believing beasts and humans are soul mates and that animal souls can be transferred to one another. His wife is locked in a miserable marriage with this human hater. Also living with them is a mute son from the zoo owner’s first marriage. It's almost as if he is suppressing his latent homosexuality by madly channelling all his being into his private zoo, with the big cats (all with male names like King and Baron) as surrogate lovers.
Camille Quinlaw
Найлз — автор серии книг, рассказывающих о прелестях холостяцкой жизни в разных странах мира. Но неожиданно у него возникают проблемы с налоговой службой, и ему надо срочно написать новую книгу, с помощью гонорара за которую Найлз смог бы погасить свою задолженность. Издатель решает, что бестселлером станет роман о жизни людей в пригороде. Для этого Найлза срочно отправляют в маленький городок Райские Кущи, где его ждет встреча с огромным количеством скучающих домохозяек и их разгневанных появлением чужака мужей…
Janey nee Smith
Амбициозная, но не очень сговорчивая, Рэй Смит встречает красивого моряка Пола Сэксона, возвращающегося с войны и случайно проезжающего через Линкольн, штат Небраска. Между ними проскакивают искорки любви, но в силу обстоятельств, Пол вынужден покинуть её и немедленно уехать из города. Позже Рэй узнаёт, что Сэксон женат. Будучи преисполнена решимости сделать карьеру модельера, Рэй переезжает в Нью-Йорк, где добивается большого успеха. Однажды она случайно вновь встречается с Полом, который всё ещё пытается добиться её благосклонности. Пытаясь убежать от него, Рэй переезжает в Рим, где открывает новый магазин. Но и здесь судьба вновь сводит её с Полом. Они начинают тайно встречаться. Пол принимает решение начать бракоразводный процес со своей сварливой и много пьющей женой Лиз. Но та наотрез отказывается дать ему развод.
Miss Jenks
Tammy leaves the river in Mississippi to attend college, developing a relationship with Tom Freeman (John Gavin). Sandra Dee replaces Debbie Reynolds in this and the third Tammy movie. This film introduces both a new theme song, "Tammy Tell Me True", and the character of Mrs. Annie Call, played by veteran Beulah Bondi. Mrs. Call ultimately moves in with Tammy at the Ellen B. and would be the catalyst for the events in the following film, "Tammy and The Doctor".
Miss Lee
Больной и немощный богатейший судовладелец Мэтью Кэбот становится страшной обузой для своей второй жены Шейлы. Она не может расторгнуть опостылевший брак из-за маленького сына, который любит обоих родителей. Шейла находит утешение в объятиях врача своего мужа Дэвида Ривера и этот дуэт находит только один выход, при котором они будут счастливы оба...
Roseanne Fraden
Маленький городок на Диком Западе являет собой просто идиллическое место. Мир, дружба, любезнейшие и законопослушные жители. Но вот в город прибывает Джон Гэнт, знаменитый наёмный убийца. Гэнт ведёт себя спокойно, но жителям всё ясно – стрелок прибыл выполнить заказ. Довольно скоро оказывается, что едва ли не у каждого горожанина есть внушительные грехи в прошлом, отчего они вполне могут примерить роль жертвы на себя. Паранойя и страх возрастают, а затем выходят наружу. Раз Гэнт прибыл, значит, кто-то его нанял. Теперь жители подозревают друг друга, а некоторые сам берутся за оружие, вступая в перестрелки с подозреваемыми соседями. Но тут-то Гэнт и выполняет свою работу, освобождая (надолго ли?) городок от атмосферы безумия.
Miss Robson
A pretty, sheltered teenager falls for a boy from the wrong side of town.
Elsie Desmond
Biographical film based loosely on the life of 1920's stage star Jeanne Eagels.
Кэти Фергюсон ведет колонку в одной из газет Сан-Франциско. Однажды в редакцию газеты заходит лейтенант полиции Билл Дойл. Он видит Кэти, и… уже очень скоро они становятся мужем и женой. Кэти решает оставить работу и заняться домом, но ее не устраивает то, что у Билла нет никаких амбиций, и он не стремится получить повышение по службе. Кэти решает «продвинуть» мужа, даже если для этого понадобится совершить преступление…
Sandra Lamoreaux
A police detective finds himself entangled in the web of the underworld when he falls in love with a nightclub singer accused of murdering a crooked lawyer.
Alida Anderson
Когда респектабельная вдова из высшего общества влюбляется в садовника, ей приходится столкнуться с непониманием окружающих и сделать непростой выбор.
Estelle Hohengarten
Мирная тихая жизнь итальянской семьи в штате Луизиана разрушена после того, как водитель грузовика Розарио Делле Роза был убит полицейскими во время попытки провезти контрабанду. У его, по молодости энергичной, вдовы Серафины с годами все чаще не ладится жизнь, с годами она все больше и больше уходит в себя, пытается наставить на путь истинный свою дочь Розу, причем «строит» ее по своему образу и подобию. И вот однажды Роза взрослеет и уходит от нее, Серафина узнает от том, что у ее погибшего мужа когда-то была любовница, а в ее собственную жизнь входит другой статный итальянец — водитель грузовика…
Mrs. Dickinson
During the Texas War of Independence of 1836 American frontiersman and pioneer Jim Bowie pleads for caution with the rebellious Texicans. They don't heed his advice since he's a Mexican citizen, married to the daughter of the Mexican vice-governor of the province and a friend to General Santa Anna since the days they had fought together for Mexico's independence. After serving as president for 22 years, Santa Anna has become too powerful and arrogant. He rules Mexico with an iron fist and he would not allow Texas to self-govern. Bowie sides with the Texans in their bid for independence and urges a cautious strategy, given Santa Anna's power and cunning. Despite the disagreement between the Texicans and Bowie regarding the right strategy they ask Bowie to lead them in a last-ditch stand, at Alamo, against General Santa Anna's numerically superior forces.
Dorothy Buracker
Biography of Admiral John Hoskins' efforts to retain active command despite WW2 injury.
Vicki Harris
Giant robots from Venus invade Chicago. Stranded in the deserted city are Frank and Nora (who has recently attempted suicide). They meet a celebrating couple at a café, Vicki Harris and Jim Wilson. The quartet escape the robot patrol and take refuge in a large hotel. There, they encounter a new danger in Davis, a psychopathic killer.
Stella Walker
Времена калифорнийской золотой лихорадки 1849 года. Маршал Сэм Нельсон под прикрытием отправляется установить личности трёх убиц.
A group of communist spies plan to blow up an essential commercial artery, the Panama Canal. To this end, they have kidnapped a nuclear scientist and are traveling by steamship to the coast of South America. Luckily for western civilization, the hard-nosed ship's captain, played by Barton MacLane, has other ideas.
Raquel Jackson
A US Marshal hunts down three bank robbers that are living under new identities.
A ship of women embarks on a voyage to California. Director R. G. Springsteen's 1953 adventure drama stars Vera Ralston, David Brian, Virginia Grey, Charles Winninger, Veda Ann Borg and Hope Emerson.
Mary Smith
In 1852, two friends left the Nevada prospector region to relocate from en route he meets the beautiful Marie who decides to make a trek with two friends, but on the way he is attacked by three Arabs who installs camels, take these Arab adventurers to the Indians.
Laura Brock
When they learn that their brother Matt Denton (Ross Latimer) is awaiting trial in California, charged with train robbery, deputies Tom Denton (Preston Foster) and Fred Denton (Jim Davis) leave their home in Fort Grant, Texas and head west. They arrive in Tulare just in time to rescue Matt from being hanged, but a guard is killed during their escape. Ed Larkin (Rory Mallinson) who framed Matt, falsely accuses them of a long list of crimes. They return to Fort Grant so that Tom can see his sweetheart Laura Brook (Virginia Grey). They encounter outlaw Bill Devlin (William Haade) who persuades them to hold up a train which Laura unwittingly told them would carry a large payroll. Soon the whole territory is enraged at their deeds. They return to Fort Grant to hold up the two banks that are filled with huge sums of cattle money.
Lorabelle Larkin
Three outlaws rob the stage and then flee. When their horses give out they murder some Indians to get fresh ones. But this puts the Indians on the war path and they have to take refuge in an Army fort to avoid them. The Indians then arrive offering peace if the three men are turned over to them. The fort's commanding Officer wants peace but the rules say the men must be tried in a white man's court leaving the Indians no choice but to attack.
Lisbeth Flood
An American takes up bullfighting to impress the ladies but learns to respect the sport.
Janet Smedley Adams
An elderly man leaves Wyoming to visit his daughter in a small Massachusetts town because, even though she didn't say so, he believes she needs his help. When he gets there he discovers that his daughter, a lawyer, is under great stress because of her biggest client, an old geezer who is the wealthiest and most powerful man in town. The girl's father decides to make the old man "disappear" by performing a rain dance he learned from an Indian chief back in Wyoming--and lo and behold it starts to rain and the old man does indeed disappear. The local sheriff, however, suspects foul play and arrests the girl's father.
Mary Simms
The "Tri-State" gang goes on a successful bank robbing streak causing local authorities to turn up the heat on the daring career criminals.
A violent escaped con and his gang kidnap the police detective and DA who put him behind bars.
Mary / Montana
Two con men selling phony stock flee to Mexico ahead of the law, where they run into a woman friend from their earlier days, who is now a bullfighter.
Dr. Hilary Parker
Lady scientist, Hilary Parker is searching for a rare drug to help combat polio. Opportunist Bruce Edwards joins the quest but is actually after gold and buried treasure.
Jane Gilbert
A fallen prizefighter must choose between two women from vastly different walks of life.
Carole Lane
Adventure-seeker Ted Osborne has convinced his finacee Carole to finance his expedition to an uncharted South Pacific island supposedly populated with dinosaurs...
The passengers and crew of an airplane are stranded in an unfamiliar jungle. Unknown to most of the survivors is a criminal among them who caused the crash.
Ella Finch
A small town man inherits a significant fortune and takes his family to New York City whereupon they are continually shocked at the alien culture of the Big Apple.
Ann Loring
A group of people find themselves trapped in a creepy mansion, complete with secret passageways, a mad doctor and a murderous gorilla.
Несправедливо осужденная в Англии Марта Хейл продана в рабство в Северную Америку, где она встречает капитана Кристофера Холдена.
Lila Regan
Small ranchers battle against a land baron trying to take their spreads.
Janet Hilton
Highlights in this one include a fist-fight between Johnny Weissmuller and Buster Crabbe (I won't give away the winner, but check the cast order); a cat-fight between Virginia Grey and Carol Thurston that the male cast of Sienfeld would pay to see and, just to keep things moving, Weissmuller wrestles an alligator, and there are two mid-water collisions between small-craft boats, a big ship wreck and a blazing swamp fire finale. Toss in a plot that has Weissmuller as a psycho-neurotic war veteran who, because he piled up his Navy destroyer on the rocks, now dreads returning to his pre-war occupation of a pilot guiding ships through the channels at the mouth of the Mississippi. Throw in icy Virginia Grey as a spoiled heiress out to take Johnny away from his job, his friends and the girl he loves (who knows why), and you have enough plot and action for two Pine-Thomas jewels.
Joan Medford
An unsuccessful sculptor saves a madman named "The Creeper" from drowning. Seeing an opportunity for revenge, he tricks the psycho into murdering his critics.
Paula Marlowe
An attorney enraged over the prosecution of two innocent people goes on a killing spree.
Diana Lee
Singer/Dancer Peggy Ryan neither sings nor dances in this comedy in which she plays a secretary, whose life has no romance because she devotes all of her time to her attractive older sister. But she does keep a diary that contains some fact and many fictional entries. One such is read by the wife of her boss who promptly sues for a divorce. Virginia Grey stars in a musical produced by Hall and sings (possibly dubbed) "Makin' a Million" and "Keep Your Chin Up." No spoiler to add that Ryan gets a boyfriend and Hall and Allbritton are reunited before this one runs it course.
Rita Dane
Ковбой из штата Монтана Дюк Фергус приезжает в Сан-Франциско, чтобы получить долг в пятьсот долларов за черную лошадь. Его должником оказывается владелец казино "Эльдорадо" - Тито Морелл. Получив свои деньги, парень не спешит домой, он решает первый раз в жизни сыграть на деньги в карты, кости и рулетку, тем более учительницей в этих новых играх для него стала обворожительная Энн - певица из местного варьете. На удивление всей публике новичку начинает бешено везти: он выигрывает на всех столах и получает десять тысяч. Парню невдомек, что все игры подстроены, а Энн - лучшая подруга хозяина заведения. Жажда наживы и алкоголь делают свое дело, он проигрывает все и остается должен. Вернувшись в Монтану, Дюк продает стадо и берет уроки карточной игры у профессионального игрока по прозвищу "Вольф". Его цель - разорить Морелла...
Vicki Morrison
Vicki Morrison is the niece of the irascible old scoundrel Uncle William Morrison. When Vicki's boyfriend and owner of a Broadway nightclub Duke Randall needs $63,000 in a hurry, Vicki fakes her own kidnapping to raise the ransom money from her uncle. Things get sticky when the phony abduction turns real.
Katherine Palmor Bentley
An eccentric wealthy man is murdered, and the police set out to find his killer.
Dr. Leslie Ross
In this Gothic tale, a returning WW2 vet goes looking for a small-town girl whom he knows only from letters. Its the pretext for an off-beat treatment of sexual frustration morphing into a dangerous delusion, and eventually murder.
Edna Van Dyke
An American singer becomes engaged to an English duke, but is continuously pestered over her past as a burlesque dancer by a reporter from her hometown.
Virginia Grey
A young soldier on a pass in New York City visits the famed Stage Door Canteen, where famous stars of the theater and films appear and host a recreational center for servicemen during the war. The soldier meets a pretty young hostess and they enjoy the many entertainers and a growing romance
A deputy sets out to prove that a respected judge, who had once been a criminal, is being framed for crimes committed by a crooked saloon owner.
Terry Parker
With the help of a WAAC group, Mr. District Attorny smashes a Nazi spy-ring that is selling counterfeit War Stamps and Bonds.
Katherine 'Kit' Bowser Sands
In this comedy, the town gossip fills her time running the lives of others. Naturally, she is also a matchmaker.
Jennifer Benton
America's favorite singing cowboy Gene Autry stars in this vintage tale as an up-and-coming rodeo singer caught in the middle of two rival companies, both angling to ride the talented crooner to riches. Featuring several memorable musical performances from Autry, including renditions of "Forgive Me" and "In Old Capistrano," this rousing Western co-stars Smiley Burnette, Virginia Grey and Lucien Littlefield.
Sue 'Butch' Custer
Conniving Broadway starlet Mida King has plenty of enemies, so when she's found murdered at Grand Central Station, Inspector Gunther calls together a slew of suspects for questioning. Mida's shady ex-flame, Turk, seems the most likely culprit, but when smart-mouthed private eye Rocky Custer -- also a suspect himself -- begins to piece together the crime, a few clues that Gunther has overlooked come to light.
Connie Beach
Тарзан, его подруга Джейн и их Мальчик дружно живут среди ветвей, лиан в окружении диких зверей и птиц в сердце Африки. Владелец Нью-Йорского цирка велит своим приспешникам похитить Мальчика и привести в город для показа на публике. Тарзан и Джейн преследуют похитителей и попадают Нью-Йорк. Тарзан неприспособленный к жизни вгороде создает много комичных ситуаций и даже попадает в полицию. Поиски Мальчика приводят героев в цирк, где Тарзан находит общий язык с слонами трупы и они помогают юноше найти ребенка
Jane Wilson
Married sleuths (Gracie Allen, William Post Jr.) find a corpse in their closet and round up suspects.
'Fran' Post
The operators of 'Silver Haven', a cultish group bilking gullible rich people out of money, is set to inherit a large sum after the deceased woman's heir also dies. Leader Joesph Jones decides to hurry the process along and kidnaps Wally Benton, his fiancé, and a friend, to further this goal. Wally, 'The Fox', is a radio sleuth who solves murders on the air. Jones wants him to devise a perfect murder, and isn't above killing others sloppily along the way to get his foolproof murder plot.
Joan Sutton
A detective is hired to protect the life of a singer, who has recently inherited a department store, from the store's crooked manager.
Teddy Carlyle
An elderly businessman (Frank Morgan) plans what he thinks is an innocent night on the town while his wife is away. Instead, he finds himself involved in a showgirl's murder.
Margie Blake, Phil's Secretary
A writer of pulp Westerns cranks out more words than his editor and publisher want to pay for.
Anastasia Atherton
Wholesome comedy about newlyweds (and the bride's understanding--but sometimes interfering--parents) discovering married life isn't always bliss.
Laura Merriweather
A radio actor faces trouble when a science-fiction story causes the audience to panic.
Lila Hanley
A mild-mannered insurance salesman gets mixed up with gangsters.
Mary Peabody
Because of a bad investment, Captain and Mrs. Peabody are evicted from their home. Mrs. Peabody finds lodging at a retirement home, but as only single women are allowed, the Captain has to make other arrangements. However, after witnessing their tearful goodbye, the home's residents vote to allow the couple to move in together. The Captain is a reluctant lodger, uncomfortable at being surrounded by so much femininity, and bristles when his pals start referring to him as "Old Lady". The time has come for Captain Peabody to reassert his manhood!
Patricia Casey
Peter Casey has been with the New York City police department for 25 years. He's totally surprised when he's asked to retire on his 25th anniversary with the force. He's even more unprepared for the romance that develops between his favorite daughter, Maureen, and the Scottish cop who takes over his beat.
Lois MacFay
Третий фильм из серии приключений Ника и Норы. В этот раз они (вместе с терьером Аста и их годовалым сыном Никки — младшим) вновь отправляются в Нью-Йорк, чтобы спокойно провести отпуск. Их приглашает загород на уик-енд полковник МакФэй, богатый промышленник, которому срочно требуются услуги Ника. Полковнику угрожает некий Фил Черч, и, когда полковника все-таки убивают, Черч становится главным подозреваемым. Однако Ник уверен, что все не так просто, как кажется…
Susan Thorson
A tugboat captain serves under his rival as a U-boat chaser in World War I.
Богачка Мэри Хейнс не подозревает, что у её мужа роман с продавщицей Кристал Аллен. Сильвия Фаулер, подруга Мэри, узнаёт об интрижке от своей маникюрши и сообщает Эдит Поттер, другой своей подруге. Они пускают сплетню, однако не могут сообщить обо всём самой Мэри, которая узнаёт о неверности мужа после посещения того же салона красоты. Миссис Хейнс оказывается перед дилеммой — потребовать от мужа объяснений или выждать время, пока интерес мужа к новой пассии не затухнет сам собой. Под давлением Сильвии Мэри идёт по первому пути, и вскоре они с мужем решают развестись
An MGM short showing how materials are shipped by boat 'From the Ends of the Earth' to Hollywood. Featuring footage from the MGM films being made at the time. Such as The Women, Thunder Afloat, Siren of the Tropics, Ninotchka, Northwest Passage, and At the Circus.
Consuela MacNish
Sixth of the Judge Hardy series. Judge James K. Hardy is brought the fabulous news from attorney George Irving, that he could be the heir to 2 million dollars. In order to claim the inheritance, he and his family must leave for Detroit. The disinherited heir Philip 'Phil' Westcott, adopted son of the deceased relative, has to leave the fabulous mansion Detroit. But the playboy Phil ain't going down without a fight. He decides on a charm offensive. First with Polly Benedict and foremost Andrew 'Andy' Hardy, the son of Judge Hardy.
A married singer, pianist/composer team are struggling to hit it big in New York. Finally, they audition before a Broadway producer, but the producer only wants the singer, leaving the husband without a job and feeling a failure.
Shirley Laughlin
A group of disparate travelers are thrown together in a posh Alpine hotel when the borders are closed at the start of WWII.
Aspiring actress Louise Muban attends the prestigious Paris School of Drama during the day and works at a dreary factory assembling gas meters at night. She daydreams and "acts" her way through life, and her fellow students at school begin to suspect her stories are just that - fabrications. After Louise begins to weave an actual meeting with a debonair playboy into a fantasy of club dates and romance, her classmate Nana discovers the lie when she too meets the playboy. Nana sets a trap for Louise, and the result is an end to one fantasy and the realization of another.
McCrea plays Joe Meadows, whose only ambition as a Kansas farm boy was a life at sea. He moves to New York to try to get a job as a sailor, finds it more difficult than he thought, and meets Helen Brown, who falls for him and uses her feminine wiles to try to prevent him leaving.
Selma Willis
A millionaire courts a working-class woman.
Chorus Girl #1
During WWI Bill Pettigrew, a naive young Texan soldier is sent to New York for basic training. He meets worldly wise actress Daisy Heath when her car nearly runs him over.
Alison Skipworth plays female mayor Josephine Bonney, at present having trouble dealing with her town's criminal element. Josephine enlists the aid of home town boy Braddock (Robert Livingston), a pretty tough customer himself, to take on the crooks.
A department store has an indoor ski slide for the annual contest for store employees. Salesgirl June has two admirers - a sausage salesman in the store and the store's snooty ski instructor. The Dandridge Sisters (Dorothy, Vivian and non-sister Etta Jones) perform two numbers.
Virginia Mason
The scene is set at Billy Rose's Casa Manana Revue, filmed at the Fort Worth Frontier Fiesta (1937), an enormous production created as part of the Texas Centennial civic celebrations. The opening song, "The Night Is Young And You're So Beautiful" emanated from the first edition of the Revue and became a hit song on two continents in 1936.
Джим Лэйн - летчик-испытатель, который жить не может без полетов. Его можно назвать счастливчиком: у него есть верный друг, механик Ганнер, и любимая девушка Энн, согласившаяся стать его женой. Однако испытания ожидают Джима не только в небе, но и на земле.
Ann Clayton
A prisoner with a good singing voice escapes, only to grow jealous when an opera singer who looks like him is delivered back to the prison and receives attention, especially from Ann, the warden's daughter who leads the prison glee club.
Mary Callahan
West Point cadet Dick Thorpe falls in love with a girl, who turns out to be a princess from an European kingdom.
Woman Kissing Naval Officer (uncredited)
In this MGM Miniature Musical, Harry Owens and his orchestra perform several song numbers.
Kitty Ryan
A power-company troubleshooter has his brother get him out of prison by running high voltage to the bars of his cell.
Several behind the scenes aspects of the movie-making business, which results in the enjoyment the movie going public has in going to the theater, are presented. They include: the production of celluloid aka film stock, the materials used in the production of which include cotton and silver; construction crews who build sets including those to look like cities, towns and villages around the world; a visit with Jack Dawn who demonstrates the process of creating a makeup design; the screen testing process, where many an acting hopeful gets his/her start; the work of the candid camera man, the prying eyes behind the movie camera; a visit with Adrian, who designs the clothes worn by many of the stars on screen; and a visit with Herbert Stothart as he conducts his musical score for Conquest (1937). These behind the scenes looks provide the opportunity to get acquainted with the cavalcade of MGM stars and their productions that will grace the silver screen in the 1937/38 movie season.
Joan Carlo
Rancher entertains girl in Nevada to get a divorce. Then her gangster husband shows up.
Life changes in surprising ways when a lazy, unemployed husband and father finds a box containing thousands of dollars in cash.
Pirate's Club Customer (uncredited)
Two sailors get caught in a mountain of mix-ups when they meet their long-lost twins. Laurel and Hardy play themselves and their twins.
Mary Jones
Mary Jones and Charlie Hall have worked for four years in the same office at the Acme Carpet Sweeper Company, but they have never shown any interest in each other. At the suggestion of a janitor, the president of the company uses psychology to try to get them together.
Girl with Henry (Uncredited)
Owen, a small time bookie, decides to open an insurance business as it involves lesser risk. His first client is Colonel Youngblood who insures his daughter, Marilyn, against marriage.
Chorus Girl (uncredited)
Мультимиллионер решает бойкотировать безнравственные, по его мнению, бродвейские шоу…
Audrey Carlton as a Child (uncredited)
In the 1860s, Mary Marlowe defies her father's wishes to marry a British lord and runs away with clerk John Carlton as he heads West to make his fortune. Mary and John endure the difficult journey and settle into a small cabin, then face the hostilities of a cattle rustling gang, as well as the tragic loss of their only son. With Mary's help, John defeats the gang, which propels him to political power that, over the years, gradually erodes the once-happy marriage.
Goldwyn Girl (uncredited)
Musical comedy antics in an art deco bakery (motto: "Glorifying the American Doughnut") with Eddie Cantor as an assistant to a phoney psychic, who is mistaken for an efficiency expert and placed in charge. Complications ensue when the psychic and his gang attempt to rub the payroll.
Hazel Boyd
Ellen, a young American girl who married a European prince and moved to his country, is preparing to return to the US, after having paid off all the debts left by her now-deceased husband. However, when she returns early, no one recognizes her and even her aunt Kate mistakes her for the princess' dressmaker. Her ex-boyfriend Joe, who recognizes her immediately, suggests that Ellen continue with the charade and have some fun, but a series of misunderstandings causes trouble for her.
Rose, as a child
The Michigan Kid is a gambler in the backwoods of Alaska trying to make enough money to go back to his hometown and impress the girl he loves. His childhood rival for the girl happens to turn up at his casino, in trouble and doesn't want his girl to find about it.
Hazel Boyd
Princess Delatorre, young and beautiful widow of an Italian scion of royalty, returns with her fortune to the small American town where she grew up as Ellen Gutherie. Arriving by train a few days earlier than she planned, Ellen is mistaken for Mrs. Arden, a seamstress of doubtful repute from a neighboring town. She carries on the deception for fun when her nearsighted Aunt Katie and others believe she is Mrs. Arden. Phil, her old sweetheart, recognizes her, however, and shows her his new invention, a corkscrew that turns itself--a failure because of prohibition. Ellen leaves, having heard how much store is set on her coming; she returns on the proper train, elaborately made up as Princess Delatorre, and the big reception takes place as planned. Then she and Phil return to Italy, where they expect the corkscrew to be a success.
Evangeline 'Eva' St. Clare
Экранизация знаменитого произведения Гарриет Бичер-Стоу, рассказывающая об ужасах рабства в Америке и о борьбе с ним…