Главный герой - слесарь автомастерской Петер Папенбольдт - всё свободное время отдаёт занятиям с детьми в секции гимнастики добровольного спортивного клуба. В его секции с увлечением и отдачей занимаются дети разного возраста. Начальство уговаривает Папенбольдта перейти на настоящую тренерскую работу, бросить свою секцию, заняться подготовкой профессиональных спортивных кадров... Но постепенно Папенбольдт понимает, что не может обмануть преданные детские сердца.
The Nörgel clan divides the labor and produce more hats than they need for themselves. As consequence, they look into an exchange of products at a market in Leipzig. However, Nörgel has to learn that animals might not be a good equivalent for a product trade, although they are needed by everyone. Part two of the animation trilogy Nörgel & Sons.
The history of money goes back to when people decided to settle down. They look for a physical equivalent to exchange goods… Nörgel and his family move from one place to another in search of tools to make their work easier. They also start to produces their own tools. Part one of the animation trilogy Nörgel & Sons.
Duke Heinrich von Libnitz wins a knightly drink competition in 1472. However, the last barrel he drinks costs him his entire estate. So he has to look for new property! Heinrich looks into the Kingdom of Poland, known for a beautiful princess and a huge wine cellar, and he decides to become the king of Poland. But his adventurous mission ends up on a dunghill instead of the throne.
A man meets a yellow dog. They play with one another, and the man turns yellow. This doesn’t please a blue dog. The silhouette films by Bruno J. Böttge continue with and further develop the silhouette films by Lotte Reiniger.
In ancient China, there is a poet named Lo who lives in the emperor’s palace. While the hardworking people long for peace and happiness, Lo writes hymns in honor of the militant emperor, who is perpetually hungry for conquest. The monarch is pleased by the poet’s words, but the people do not want to hear the hymns praising him anymore. Lo is completely unaware of this and is surprised when the kitchen maid Hsi-Hua refuses to sing his hymns. With her help, Lo learns what the people really want and is able to see how cruel the emperor is.