Лю Е — 50-летний вор в законе, который когда-то царствовал на улицах Пекина. В преступных кругах его называли Лао Пао Эр, что означает «старая пушка». Однажды его непослушный сын из-за девушки ввязывается в конфликт с бандой гонщиков, где все сплошь золотая молодежь. Лю Е вступается за сына, пытаясь усмирить тех своим авторитетом, но молодая поросль и слыхом не слыхивала о таком замшелом пне как Лю Е. Приходится собрать старую банду и указать соплякам на их место.
A sleeping computer dreams of humans forms, transforming their digital data into abstract and playful shapes. Movements, emotions, and musical lines are added layer upon layer until the complexity overloads the system and the dream ends. Reverie.exe combines Microsoft Kinect motion capture and music-driven visuals in an exploration of the connection shared between humans and machines. This film was made as part of the 8th edition of the NFB's Hothouse apprenticeship.
A sleeping computer dreams of humans forms, transforming their digital data into abstract and playful shapes. Movements, emotions, and musical lines are added layer upon layer until the complexity overloads the system and the dream ends. Reverie.exe combines Microsoft Kinect motion capture and music-driven visuals in an exploration of the connection shared between humans and machines. This film was made as part of the 8th edition of the NFB's Hothouse apprenticeship.
A sleeping computer dreams of humans forms, transforming their digital data into abstract and playful shapes. Movements, emotions, and musical lines are added layer upon layer until the complexity overloads the system and the dream ends. Reverie.exe combines Microsoft Kinect motion capture and music-driven visuals in an exploration of the connection shared between humans and machines. This film was made as part of the 8th edition of the NFB's Hothouse apprenticeship.