Nicolas Verhaeghe


The Moon Also Rises
Sound Designer
Just before the launch of artificial moons, a retired couple finds their harbor in the fading darkness. Trying to catch up with the pace of modernity, their daily life traces this forthcoming brightness back to its earthly origins.
Yollotl connects the past and the present through a love story inspired by Mesoamerican mythology and testimonials from children who live in the Mayan rainforest. A story in Nahuatl and a ritual song accompanies the journey through the interior of ancient trees to the universe.
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Sound Editor
Эффектный бессловесный фильм снят в китайском каменном карьере во время сессии Собрания народных представителей, когда производство в окрестностях Пекина было под временным запретом ради чистого воздуха в столице. Художница Ван Юйань показывает человеческое измерение новой супердержавы — ежедневный, однообразный и вредный труд рабочих (очевидно, нарушающих партийный запрет) отчуждается, превращаясь в монументальную скульптуру.
A Philosopher in the Arena
Sound Director
After his retirement, french philosopher and bullfighting enthusiast Francis Wolff decides to embark on a journey to France, Spain and Mexico joined by two mexican filmmakers who hardly know anything about bullfighting, a culture whose days seem to be numbered. During their road trip, they encounter numerous personalities with whom they reflect on mankind’s relationship with animals and nature, but most importantly on our relationship with death and the meaning of the ultimate journey: life itself.