Patrick Galligan


Crossed Over
Dana Brown
After her son dies in a hit-and-run accident, a woman forms an unusual friendship with a convicted killer awaiting execution.
Songs In Ordinary Time
Father Joe Gannon
Based on Mary McGarry Morris' best-selling novel! A struggling mother takes in a mysterious stranger. Is she opening her heart to love ... or harboring a criminal? Mary Fermoyle is a divorcee who must work to keep her family from falling into the throes of poverty. Her vulnerability quickly becomes an easy target for smooth-talking con-man Omar Duvall, who seduces Mary and her family with promises of easy money and success. Eventually she uncovers his lies and discovers for the first time her important contributions to her family and community.
Reverend Olson
A popular high school senior gets accused of statutory rape after he impregnates a tawdry sophomore girl.
Love Letters
Charlie Jenkins
An ambitious U.S. Senator reflects back on his life after the death of a woman whom he loved and kept in contact with only through correspondence.
Побег: Живой груз
Bruce Baines
Отправившись в Саудовскую Аравию на подписание контракта, Джон МакДональд рассчитывал пробыть там максимум неделю. Но поездка затянулась на долгие месяцы. После того, как он и местные шейхи «разошлись во взглядах на бизнес», Джона похитили из гостиничного номера, отобрали паспорт и бросили в тюрьму.
Alex Bur
Грузовик химической компании «Петродайн», перевозящий бактериологическое оружие терпит аварию. В результате ядовитое вещество попадает в воду на территории Йеллоустонского заповедника, где в ближайшее время должна состояться встреча политических и ученых представителей ведущих государств. Для обеспечения безопасности участников встречи на место прибывает сотрудник секретной службы Кен Фэйрчайлд и узнает о грозящей опасности. Химическая компания, в свою очередь, нанимает убийц, чтобы предотвратить нежелательную утечку информации.
Critical Choices
A Milwaukee Women's Health Clinic becomes the battleground between pro-choice activists and right-to-life demonstrators over and Easter Sunday weekend and involves three different women, each representing different sides of the issue.
The Haunting of Lisa
Hank Dodge / Reporter #1
A precocious youngster's visions of a mysterious woman and a series of child murders leads her mom to seek help from the authorities.
Choices of the Heart: The Margaret Sanger Story
D. A. Whitman
Nurse Margaret Sanger became a pioneering crusader for women's reproductive rights after she published a booklet on birth control techniques that flew in the face of a law established by Anthony Comstock forbidding the dissemination of information on contraception. Sanger later helped to establish America's first birth control clinic in 1916, and in 1925 was one of the founders of Planned Parenthood.
Woman on Trial: The Lawrencia Bembenek Story
John Callaghan
The true story of a woman who is sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering her husband's ex-wife.
After being ditched by her cameraman because of her manipulative behavior at a murder scene, a reporter wanders through town looking for a phone she can use. She finds a small museum, where the proprietor invites her in to have a look around before leaving. In one room, she encounters a strange jar which causes her to have strange visions, visions that are supposedly drawn from her own mind. These 'visions' make up the rest of this four- part anthology, which includes horror and suspense stories about a junkie chasing a dog for his runaway fix, a pizza delivery boy who gets a Halloween surprise, a living but paralyzed OD victim forced to undergo her own autopsy because everyone thinks she's dead, and a deal between a golf course owner and a gravedigger that has some unexpected consequences.