Marita Sánchez


Dawn Breaks, Which Is No Small Thing
Theodore, a young Spanish engineer who works as a professor at the University of Oklahoma, returned to Spain to enjoy a sabbatical year. Upon arrival, he discovers that his father killed his mother and, to compensate for the loss, he bought a motorcycle with sidecar to travel together. Father and son arrive in a remote mountain village seems empty, what happens is that all residents are in church every day, because the Mass is a true spectacle. Jimmy and Theodore are discovering the peculiarities of the people, attend the elections held each year to appoint mayor, priest, teacher, bitch ... In addition, the town has come a group of students at the American University of Eaton, a Belgian meteorologists, a dissident group of the Russian Army Choir, invading people's hidden above ...
Historia de S
Sebastian (Alfredo Landa), dressmaker of great prestige, is aware of the boredom that produces sexual routine with his wife. Is then made with a good amount of erotic material, including books and magazines and catching up on what is current in the sexual aspects. His wife, alarmed at the new attitude of Sebastian, there is even the possibility to enter. Sebastian, determined to modernize the extreme, organize a parade with new models essentially erotic.
Where Time Began
Like in the novel of Jules Verne four persons try to get to the centre of the world by entering into a world of caves by a volcano. On their way they discover among other things also prehistoric animals like some dinosaurs,
The Paranoid
As a child, John watched his father murder a lover. Traumatized as an adult, his psychiatrist recommends that he sleep with his secretaries, but this awakens the most terrible memories in him and acts on him accordingly.
Las señoritas de mala compañía
Слепые мертвецы 2: Возвращение слепых мертвецов
Рыцари ордена тамплиеров были богохульными людьми. Они хватали молоденьких девушек, убивали их, а потом пили кровь, вытекающую из жертв. Жители городка Бренцано, вооружились огнём и мечом, схватили извергов и предали их лютой казни за совершённые преступления. Перед гибелью один из тамплиеров сказал горожанам, что их невозможно убить, и что они вернутся из могилы, чтобы отомстить. Прошло ровно 500 лет, и Бренцано готовится к празднествам по случаю круглого юбилея казни рыцарей-тамплиеров. Только жители приступили распивать дорогие вина и сжигать чучела тамплиеров, как земля на кладбище задрожала, и из могил повылезали мёртвые рыцари. Они уселись на верных трухлявых коней и поскакали в сторону города, где их практически никто и не ждал. Кровь прольётся, и стоны вместе с криками о помощи пронесутся над этим древним градом.