Ronald Víctor García

Ronald Víctor García

Рождение : , Los Angeles, California, USA


Ronald Víctor García is an American cinematographer, director, producer and writer. He has worked on more than 250 theatrical films, television series and made for cable movies.


Ronald Víctor García


Твин Пикс: Вырезанные сцены
Director of Photography
Фильм ужасов Твин Пикс: Вырезанные сцены рассказывает о небольшом городе Твин Пикс, где проживает больше 51 тыс. человек. Именно там можно попробовать вкусный кофе и вишневый пирог. С одной стороны складывается такое впечатление, что там проживают добропорядочные граждане, которые друг другу помогают и знают о соседях всё. А вот с другого взгляда там не всё так хорошо, как кажется сначала. Каждый житель города имеет свои тайны, которые он скрывает за всеми замками. В фильме Twin Peaks - Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces (2014) показано, как в городе произошла смерть, а после неё полицейские проводили свое расследование. Вдруг неоткуда появился дневник, а после этого бесследно начали пропадать свидетели происшествия. Позже молодая школьница Лора Палмер решила сжечь всю личную жизнь. В Портленде была безжалостно убита Тереза Бэнкс, которую знали многие жители города. Расследовать её убийство взялись агенты ФБР, которые специально для этого прилетели в город.
Secrets from Another Place: Creating Twin Peaks
A select group of key creative forces involved in the making of Twin Peaks reveals their take on the fascinating creation and journey of the wildly popular show.
Reflections on the Phenomenon of Twin Peaks
"Reflections on the Phenomenon of Twin Peaks" is a featurette originally released on the 2001 DVD release of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. It features various cast and crew reflecting on Twin Peaks and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me.
A couple finds a baby on their doorstep with a note asking them to temporarily keep it. They take the baby in and care for it as if it were their own. But what if the baby's mom really returns to claim it?
Deliberate Intent
Director of Photography
A First Amendment scholar is recruited by an attorney to sue a publishing company after a hit man commits a triple murder by allegedly following a how-to manual the book company published. They set out to put the company on trial for providing blueprints for would-be murderers. Arguing that the publisher is not protected by the First Amendment, the crusading lawyers seek monetary damages for the victims' families.
My Little Assassin
Director of Photography
1981: Marita Lorenz checks into an Havana hotel and, in a flashback, remembers 22 years' before. At 19, visiting Cuba from New York, she comes to the attention of Fidel Castro, the country's rebel president. He invites her to be his secretary and to be part of the making of the new Cuba. She accepts, but soon learns he already has a capable secretary; Marita's duties lie elsewhere. She becomes pregnant. She's also come to the attention of the FBI and the CIA, so when she wakes up in a US hospital after what may have been a botched abortion against her will in Cuba, her government presses her into service as an assassin: her job, to go back to Cuba and kill her former lover.
Дивный новый мир
Director of Photography
В городе будущего нет ни преступности, ни войн, ни старости, ни страданий. Каждый его член генетически создан так, чтобы идеально вписываться в новое общество. Институт брака осужден и отвергнут в принципе. Для снятия напряжения все принимают специальный препарат «Сома». Граждане разделены на 4 класса: Альфа, Бета, Дельта и Гамма. Все просчитано разумным и просвещенным правительством. Но два высокопоставленных чиновника класса Альфа Бернард Маркс и Ленина Кроун, вопреки голосу разума не могут заглушить в себе сильное и запрещенное чувство
Нация пришельцев: Наследие удара
Director of Photography
Детективы Сайкс и Франциско сталкиваются с одним из сложнейших дел в карьере, когда выясняется, что часть бежавших на Землю инопланетных рабов была запрограммирована на выполнение функций террористов-смертников. Теперь, некто нашедший способ реактивировать программу в их мозгу, использует пришельцев в собственных зловещих целях…
Нация пришельцев: Внутренняя угроза
Director of Photography
В далёком будущем пришельцы с других планет уже давно живут в мире и согласии среди землян. Но загадочное убийство инопланетянина в Лос — Анджелесе нарушает всеобщее спокойствие. Офицер полиции Мэт Сайкс и его напарник Джордж Франциско начинают расследование.
Большой белый обман
Director of Photography
Промоутер боксера-чемпиона Салтан решает повысить привлекательность боксерских поединков. Он находит единственного бойца, который победил чемпиона. Однако выясняется, что он давно завязал со спортом…
Director of Photography
This pilot for a prospective series is an ensemble drama chronicling the ups and downs of a young, all-female, black singing group from Seattle.
Путешествие к центру Земли
В этой версии фильма, снятой для телевидения, используются название и общая идея романа Жюля Верна, но герои совершают путешествие на машине, проникающей в землю. За этим должен был последовать телесериал, но так и не был снят.
Потомок одной из самых знатных и могущественных семей Луизианы Крей Фаулер собирается, как и его отец, сделать политическую карьеру. Случайное знакомство в нью-орлеанском баре с соблазнительной официанткой Ли затягивает его в паутину шантажа, убийств и лжи. Под угрозой оказывается не только будущее Крея — достоянием гласности могут стать многие нелицеприятные секреты, которые накопились в знатном семействе за многие десятилетия…
Твин Пикс: Сквозь огонь
Director of Photography
Добро пожаловать в Твин Пикс! Тихий городок в живописной долине с населением 51201 человек, где можно попробовать чертовски вкусный кофе и домашний вишневый пирог. Твин Пикс выглядит процветающим местом, где живут добропорядочные граждане, преданные семейным устоям. С первого взгляда их жизнь похожа на идиллическую. Но только с первого взгляда.Здесь всё совсем не то, чем кажется, и каждому есть что скрывать. Загадочная смерть и расследование, больше похожее на разгадку необычной шарады. Таинственный дневник, мистически исчезнувшие свидетели, странная красная комната, кошмарные галлюцинации, зловещие предзнаменования и юная школьница Лора Палмер, сжигающая свою жизнь…
Matters of the Heart
Director of Photography
A noted concert pianist in her early forties, totally obsessed with her music, retreats to a small town to be alone and to write a concerto, but there falls for a talented teenage musician and becomes consumed in an affair with him.
The Bride in Black
Director of Photography
A Brooklyn widow (Susan Lucci) traces the past of her boxer/sculptor husband (David Soul), gunned down on their wedding day.
Director of Photography
Билли Рей - молодой учитель литературы из Техаса. Но сейчас он не на уроке. Есть проблема - он должен поймать закоренелого преступника по кличке Дьявол. Этот бандит не только ограбил местный банк, но и украл ученицу Билли, симпатичную Нэнси Тулин. Однако Билли не умеет ни держаться в седле, ни стрелять. Помощь приходит к нему в обличье весёлого ковбоя Томаса. Тут-то и начинаются настоящие приключения.
Twin Peaks
Director of Photography
Своеобразный агент ФБР расследует убийство молодой женщины в еще более своеобразном городе Твин Пикс. (Краткая версия пилота сериала была разработана для европейского рынка VHS и имеет альтернативное закрытое окончание.)
Side Out
Director of Photography
A law student comes to California for the summer and ends up playing professional volleyball.
Сделано в Лос-Анджелесе
Director of Photography
История противостояния двух профессионалов — детектива Винсента Ханны и главаря банды преступников Патрика МакЛарена.
Дезорганизованная преступность
Director of Photography
Идеальных преступлений не бывает. В справедливости этого утверждения на собственной шкуре убедился вор Фрэнк Салазар, задумавший ограбить банк в Монтане. Он разработал отличный план налета, подобрал четырех опытнейших подельников, предусмотрел все мелочи и был готов поклясться, что все пройдет как по маслу. К несчастью, его оптимизм угас, когда прямо накануне «дела» на хвосте героя повисают копы. Тем временем, не дождавшись своего заводилы в условленном месте в срок, другие «джентльмены удачи» начинают заметно нервничать и совершать одну глупейшую ошибку за другой. Число анекдотичных промахов незадачливых грабителей растет как снежный ком, на глазах погребая под собой хваленый план Салазара. И вскоре герои обнаруживают, что находятся на грани самого большого профессионального позора в своей преступной жизни…
Прошлой ночью
Молодой парень по имени Уинстон собирается на выпускной бал. Да не один, а вместе с самой красивой девочкой колледжа Тарой. Можно себе представить весь ужас, охвативший Уинстона, когда он очнулся под утро лежащим на мостовой в каком-то грязном, переулке, без отцовской машины, без спутницы, а самое главное — без малейшего представления о том, куда все это подевалось и что произошло с ним прошлой ночью…
Rainy Day Friends
Production Design
A tough street kid from the L.A. barrios is discovered during an examination to have stomach tumors. During his hospitalization, he must learn to cope with not only his medical condition, but with people such as other patients, social workers and hospital personnel who come from a totally different world than he does--and they have to learn to cope with him.
Rainy Day Friends
Director of Photography
A tough street kid from the L.A. barrios is discovered during an examination to have stomach tumors. During his hospitalization, he must learn to cope with not only his medical condition, but with people such as other patients, social workers and hospital personnel who come from a totally different world than he does--and they have to learn to cope with him.
Проводя время
Director of Photography
Duke Jarrett is sent to jail at the John Dillinger prison. However, the prison looks more like a zoo, more or less ruled by the prisoners themselves.
Deadly Lessons
Director of Photography
A psycho is stalking the students at an exclusive girls' school.
От всего сердца
Director of Photography
В отношениях Хэнка и Фрэнни, которые вместе уже пять лет, наступает кризис. В Лас-Вегасе каждый из них встречает свою новую любовь.
Wicked Sensations
Director of Photography
Pierson Bokamper is a famous novelist who's not getting enough out of sex. Pierson turns to his friend George who's always making it and together they set out in search of the key to the revival of Pierson.
Delta Fox
Director of Photography
Woman is kidnaped by hitman who discovers that he is the target of another hitman.
Expensive Tastes
Director of Photography
Home from a date, a couple is brutally attacked in the man's apartment. After the smoke clears, the ashamed woman pleads that the police not be told. A suspicious cop persuades a lady friend to date the same man, and a similar attack ensues. It's revealed that the seemingly innocent man was in on the act, as a clever method to violate women.
Soft Places
Director of Photography
Returning from the funeral of her very wealthy and prominent husband, the widow, accompanied by her family attorney, discusses the unusual will her husband has left. In order to inherit the full benefits of this "spoken will" it is required that the widow experience every known sexual activity. Through these outrageous activities, possibly her frigidity will fade, and a truly loving woman will be unleashed.
Director of Photography
Bob and Connie and Joan are cousins. Connie loves doing to Bob what Joan refuses to do to Bob. Remembering her younger days when Connie and Bob would send her to her room, Joan chooses her welcome home party to pick and choose from her cousin's friends in defiance of Connie and Bob. Puts a whole new twist on Kissing Cousins!
Abar, the First Black Superman
Director of Photography
Upon moving into a bigoted neighborhood, the scientist father of a persecuted black family gives a superpower elixir to a tough bodyguard, who thus becomes a superpowered crimefighter.
Hot Potato
Martial-arts expert tries to rescue an ambassador's daughter who was kidnapped in Thailand.
Swingers Massacre
This thriller/drama follows a a suburban lawyer, down a ruinous, blood-covered road. The trouble begins when he tires of life in the slow lane and suggests that he and his wife should join a swinging couple's club and do a little spouse swapping. But then he begins suspecting that the wife is having too much fun with the other swingers
Swingers Massacre
This thriller/drama follows a a suburban lawyer, down a ruinous, blood-covered road. The trouble begins when he tires of life in the slow lane and suggests that he and his wife should join a swinging couple's club and do a little spouse swapping. But then he begins suspecting that the wife is having too much fun with the other swingers
Swingers Massacre
This thriller/drama follows a a suburban lawyer, down a ruinous, blood-covered road. The trouble begins when he tires of life in the slow lane and suggests that he and his wife should join a swinging couple's club and do a little spouse swapping. But then he begins suspecting that the wife is having too much fun with the other swingers
The House of Seven Corpses
Charles Beal
A director is filming on location in a house where seven murders were committed. The caretaker warns them not to mess with things they do not understand (the murders were occult related), but the director wants to be as authentic as possible and has his cast re-enact rituals that took place in the house thus summoning a ghoul from the nearby cemetery to bump the whole film crew off one by one.
The House of Seven Corpses
Art Direction
A director is filming on location in a house where seven murders were committed. The caretaker warns them not to mess with things they do not understand (the murders were occult related), but the director wants to be as authentic as possible and has his cast re-enact rituals that took place in the house thus summoning a ghoul from the nearby cemetery to bump the whole film crew off one by one.
Schoolgirls in Chains
Director of Photography
Two deranged brothers, who are under the domineering influence of their crazed mother, kidnap young girls and keep them captive in chains in their basement, where they subject them to depraved "games" that often end in torture and murder.
The Toy Box
When Ralph persuades his girlfriend, Donna, to participate in a bizarre party, she discovers the guests are to perform erotic plays in the presence of a corpse - Ralph's millionaire uncle. The players are promised gifts from the "toy box." Ralph and Donna await their turn, when the mansion's doors lock at midnight; and it's not long before they discover the players are being murdered by...the dead uncle?
The Toy Box
When Ralph persuades his girlfriend, Donna, to participate in a bizarre party, she discovers the guests are to perform erotic plays in the presence of a corpse - Ralph's millionaire uncle. The players are promised gifts from the "toy box." Ralph and Donna await their turn, when the mansion's doors lock at midnight; and it's not long before they discover the players are being murdered by...the dead uncle?
The Toy Box
When Ralph persuades his girlfriend, Donna, to participate in a bizarre party, she discovers the guests are to perform erotic plays in the presence of a corpse - Ralph's millionaire uncle. The players are promised gifts from the "toy box." Ralph and Donna await their turn, when the mansion's doors lock at midnight; and it's not long before they discover the players are being murdered by...the dead uncle?
Six Women
This is a low budget western about six undesired women who are taken out of a western town and transported to prison. Their adventures along the way are the basis for the film. The head man, Charley, is in charge of making sure the women stay in line. One night, Dolores, a Mexican girl, tries to escape. Charley catches her and has her tied to a tree, hanging by her wrists, for punishment. He strips her to the waist and lays a bull whip on her back.
Machismo: 40 Graves for 40 Guns
A Mexican bandit and his gang are offered a pardon and a cash reward if he will cross the border into America and bring back a gang of murderous gold thieves who robbed the local church and killed the priest and the Head Federales' wife and children.
The Pleasure Machines
Rush into this theatre and let us turn on your pleasure machine! Believe us... we know where the switch is!
The Pleasure Machines
Rush into this theatre and let us turn on your pleasure machine! Believe us... we know where the switch is!
Wild, Free & Hungry
A carnival owner gets mixed up with gangsters and a speedboat racer. He soon finds himself in danger of losing his business, his wife and all his money.
Through new camera techniques never before attempted we are able to put your audience on the edge of their seats, gasping for breath through FEEL-A-VISION. Your audience will boast that in one night they were able to whip a young girl to her masochistic climax - feel the warmth of a young female hitchhiker's gratitude for giving her a ride - answer a voyeur's plea to endure his young wife's sensuous desires - be sucked into a back alley profession they only dreamed existed - be pulled into a religion that requires a witness to an act of awareness by two young female believers and finally to participate with them in the most bizarre rite of depravity - take pictures of a would be starlet in a celebrated model studio and for a few dollars more get exactly what they want - get anything they wanted from a young Mexican girl in trouble with the police in return for helping her escape.