Аида — переводчица при нидерландском контингенте войск ООН. В Сребренице живут её муж и сыновья, им грозит гибель. Обе стороны конфликта игнорируют ультиматум ООН, и Аида понимает, что голубые каски не остановят кровопролитие. Используя инсайдерскую информацию, женщина с риском для жизни пытается спасти свою семью.
Хамза, инспектор полиции, отвозит свою жену в родильное отделение. У неё отошли воды, ей срочно нужно в больницу. Хамза вынужден оставить её - на работе ему не дали отгул. В полицейском участке, похоже, сбываются народные сказки о силе полнолуния. В коридоре Хамза встречает мальчика по имени Тарик, являющегося одновременно вестником смерти и ангелом-хранителем, который будет судить его. Один за другим призраки прибывают в полицейский участок.
Повествование о трех разных судьбах, связанных как мозаика общим мотивом.
A young man by the name of Atif Kurtovic goes into a mine for the first time in his life to become a miner and to continue exactly where his now retired grandfather had left off. However, his fate is soon completely changed when he is picked as the face for the most valuable banknote in the country, the bill in the amount of one thousand dinars. Because of this, Atif soon finds himself on his way to Belgrade where Tito's personal photographer takes his picture and thus allows Atif to become a part of history. Into this story enters a young girl whose nickname, "Hiljadarka / A Thousand", is no accident and with whom Atif falls in love. When Tito announces his personal visit to Atif's hometown, there begins an adventure that they will all remember for the rest of their lives.
Our story takes place at the end of the 1960s. This is the time of the collapse of the ideals of a more just and honorable life brought into prominence by students worldwide in the great rebellion in 1968 and of the beginning of the end of an equally grand illusion called Yugoslavia. Andjelko is the principal of a middle school in a small Bosnian place Dubica. He believes in Yugoslavia and worships its leader Josip Broz Tito. Andjelko, however, has one serious fault: he is a forger, he makes forged school diplomas. He does not do this out of self-interest, but because he is a staunch philanthropist. One day, a neighbor for whom Andjelko forged the leather-working school diploma, in order to take revenge on the local veterinarian, reports to the police that this one too has Andjelko's diploma. Our hero is, therefore, forced to flee to the big city. He lives there illegally, at the harborers of outlaws for whom he once forged diplomas. But one day, Andjelko runs into his schoolmate...