Florence Stern


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Амина, практикующая мусульманка, живет со своей дочерью, 15-летней Марией. Когда Амина узнает, что Мария беременна и хочет сделать аборт, они сталкиваются с безвыходной ситуацией в стране, где аборты осуждаются по закону и морально.
Souleymane, 25, dreams of being a dancer in spite of having a paralyzed leg. At nightclubs, he transforms into the beloved dancer Grigris, impressing people with his moves. However, when his stepfather falls seriously ill, Souleymane desperately needs money and decides to work for petrol smugglers.
A Screaming Man
Adam Ousmane is a pool attendant at a local resort. When the new managers decide to downsize, Adam loses his job to his own son, Abdel. Shattered by the turn of events, Adam is pressured into contributing to the Chadian war effort. With no money to speak of, the only asset he can donate is his son.