Nate Estabrooks


8 Minutes Ahead
The son of a wealthy Vancouver businessman discovers his previously-unknown half-brother in Hong Kong will inherit half of his father's company, much to his wife's consternation.
8 Minutes Ahead
The son of a wealthy Vancouver businessman discovers his previously-unknown half-brother in Hong Kong will inherit half of his father's company, much to his wife's consternation.
На дне мира
Script Supervisor
Таинственное исчезновение молодой девушки заставляет ее парня отправиться на поиски правды, в ходе которых он открывает и свои скрытые стороны. Он узнает, что эта мрачная, гипнотизирующая тайна выходит за пределы традиционного повествования.