Eduardo Bertran


Archival Footage Coordinator
«Нет» — это один из двух вариантов ответа на вопрос «Должен ли Аугусто Пиночет остаться у власти?». Уверенный в поддержке большинства населения, диктатор назначает дату референдума на 5 октября 1988 года. Но международное давление вынуждает отдать хотя бы какое-то эфирное время оппозиции. 15 минут ночного эфира — за это время сразу нескольким политическим партиям нужно консолидированно объяснить населению, почему нужно проголосовать против. Для этого они приглашают Рене Савейду — успешного рекламщика, много времени прожившего за границей и понимающего современные рекламные технологии.
“33” reports the epic rescue of miners trapped in the San José mine in Chile.
80s: El soundtrack de una generación
Self - Narrator
In Chile, during the mid 80s, a wave of young enthusiasts from different parts of the country decided to rebel against the regime and liberate themselves through rock. It was a new Chile, committed to fight for its ideals, and to have fun at any cost.
80s: El soundtrack de una generación
In Chile, during the mid 80s, a wave of young enthusiasts from different parts of the country decided to rebel against the regime and liberate themselves through rock. It was a new Chile, committed to fight for its ideals, and to have fun at any cost.
80s: El soundtrack de una generación
In Chile, during the mid 80s, a wave of young enthusiasts from different parts of the country decided to rebel against the regime and liberate themselves through rock. It was a new Chile, committed to fight for its ideals, and to have fun at any cost.
For Rent
Gastón Fernández has arrived at 34 without too much to show or brag about. He has no money, job, girlfriend, friends or life plan. He's a composer that doesn't compose. The one-time "most likely to succeed" at Santiago's Musical Conservatory has passed from promise to failure. He feels he is beginning to wander alone. Isolated and detached. Gastón feels that everyone judges him and see the word loser tattooed on his forehead. At the same time, an alter-ego, a sort of doppelgänger, haunts him.
Promedio rojo
Nerdy comic book aficionado Roberto Rodriguez battles low self-esteem, loser friends and vicious high school bullies as he vies for the heart of Cristina, the hot new girl from Madrid.
A crazy costumer in a comic book store claims that he is the Son of Krypton, Kal-El, and he is willing to do anything to prove it.