Calder Greenwood


Production Designer
A young female vampire is caught by a clandestine government organization tasked with eliminating vampires and is made an offer she can't refuse: join them and help hunt down her own kind or be eliminated.
The Vandal
Production Design
Set in a world not unlike mid-20th century America, The Vandal centers on Harold, whose tormented search for peace from traumatic loss results in an unexpectedly destructive awakening after he undergoes a lobotomy. When the procedure “turns his mind inside out” and his great love is suddenly gone, Harold’s desperate search intensifies.
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Production Design
Ближайшее будущее. После трагической гибели своей девушки, подросток Гарретт страдает от мрачных видений. Он пытается решить проблему вживлением специального имплантата, но сталкивается с непредвиденными последствиями.
Power Rangers: Shattered Grid
Production Design
A dark prelude to the comic book event of the year. Available MARCH 28 online and at your local comic book retailers.
Party Like a Roman Emperor
Viewers are taken through the parties of the past and also get a glimpse of today's most lavish and coveted fashion event.