Jean-Philippe Goude


Nothing Else But Water
This story takes place in Lisbon at the time of the great maritime discoveries. Explorers, looking like pigs, arrive in the harbor after a long voyage across the oceans. Everywhere in the city small groups gather and congratulate each other. They organize spontaneous round dances and celebrate their return. Meanwhile, a young pig has the strange feeling of being completely isolated from the others in his own native city...
Папаши без вредных привычек
Алекс хочет удочерить очаровательную 5 — летнюю малышку Майли, которая живет в Таиланде. Но по законам этой страны приёмные родители должны быть официально зарегистрированной супружеской парой. Алекс подбивает своего брата, Сезара Борньоли, разорившегося автомобильного дилера, на аферу: он должен поехать с супругой Алекс, Ким в Таиланд, изображая её супруга, что бы забрать оттуда девочку. Но трудно найти более непохожих людей, чем Ким и Сезар. А доктор Луиш, опекун девочки, начинает подозревать неладное…
Le créateur
Original Music Composer
A playwright of note, Darius developed a drinking problem after his first major hit, and has taken time out from writing his follow-up to go to a clinic and dry out. After his release, Darius finds his producer has hired a leading lady for his next show, booked the theater and advertised the starting date -- all without Darius writing so much as a word of this new play. Darius desperately tries to come up with ideas, but nothing comes to mind, with an inflexible deadline staring him in the face. One day, Darius kills a neighbor's cat by accident; terribly depressed, he swallows some sedatives and falls asleep at his computer -- only to awake with the beginning of his play glowing on the screen. Darius is now convinced he must kill in order to create, and starts murdering an ever-expanding variety of creatures in order to satisfy his now bloodthirsty muse.
Not All Dads Pee Standing Up
Original Music Composer
Not All Dads Pee Standing Up is about Zoe and Dan who love one another. They live cheerfully with Simon, their multi year old child, close to Bruges.
The Mortal Fortune
Music Programmer
On the basis of the hardy perennial "boss-assistant" relation, "The Mortal Fortune" depicts the passion of worldly existence. The anonymous hero of the story, to which the spectator is introduced, attempts at freeing himself from his enslaved life. He finally has to realize the transience of the creature man and whithdraws from the constraints of worldly existence.
Flesh and Fire
American Raphael talks his colleague at the Parisian University into spending his summer at the family's country mansion. But once there Raphael seduces and plays the sisters and mother against each other - until everyone is revealed at their very worst. As it turns out - that was Raphael's intention all along - because his own torrid past is deeply rooted in their family's dirty history.
Заходи - я живу у подруги
Additional Music
Как-то раз одна счастливая молодая французская семья решает приютить у себя на пару дней своего приятеля-шалопая, которого выгнали с работы за жульничество.