Nicholas Carella
Рождение : 1980-08-20, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Shelby is devastated after her father's death. Curious about her family connections, she decides to look up the DNA-based family tree, and is surprised to find out that her father had another daughter. She goes on a mission to find her sibling and meets Rose, her half-sister. But as the initial euphoria dies down and the question of who gets her father's inheritance crops up, things begin to change.
Karaoke Emcee
Люси с трудом забывает о прошлых отношениях, оставляя на память разные сувениры. Однажды она случайно знакомится с Ником, который помогает ей разобраться с прошлым и организовать «Галерею разбитых сердец» — открытое пространство, где каждый желающий может оставить предметы, связанные с неудавшимися отношениями.
Пег Даль мечтает вырваться из родного Буффало и отправиться на учёбу в престижный университет. Осознание того, что ей не оплатить обучение, заставляет Пег ввязаться в опасный и непростой бизнес сбора долгов. Вскоре выясняется, что у Пег настоящий талант, и она, весьма вероятно, нашла своё настоящее призвание в жизни.
When a young man returns to his hometown to assist with a friend's trial it soon becomes clear that he isn't the beacon of success that everyone thought he was.
When a young man returns to his hometown to assist with a friend's trial it soon becomes clear that he isn't the beacon of success that everyone thought he was.
When Alice, a beloved neonatal intensive care unit supervisor, is forced to take early retirement, her young colleague Jenny decides to turn the upcoming staff Christmas party into a surprise celebration for her. The plan is complicated by Matt, the hospital’s new CFO, who’s been tasked to cut costs. Initially at loggerheads, Jenny and Matt get to know and understand each other —a sweet Christmas gift neither saw coming.
A single mother of two, after being diagnosed with cancer, embarks on a journey to re-connect with her estranged birth mother.
Bernie the Hot Single Dad
Главный герой и его верный напарник должны найти съемный накопитель с секретными данными, касающимися федеральной программы защиты свидетелей, который, по случайному стечению обстоятельств, оказывается в руках прелестной воспитательницы детского сада. Но ситуацию усугубляет то, что за этой информацией параллельно охотятся албанские бандиты…
Мужчина, которому в последнее время катастрофически не везет в «делах сердечных», решает соврать о себе, чтобы сблизиться с женщиной своей мечты. К сожалению, объединившая их невинная ложь в конечном итоге может разлучить их навсегда..
After being stood up by her dream guy, a perpetually single Holly and her best friend Lucy decide to take a stand for women everywhere and hunt him down.
A timid officer worker becomes both pariah and Pied Piper when she unleashes her confessional, scathingly honest pop compositions upon friends and co-workers, in this hilarious comedy from Vancouver’s Kris Elgstrand (Doppelgänger Paul).
Brendan Lutz
Two single parents fall in love fighting for custody of a dog they both want to give their children as a Christmas gift.
On the night of his brother's wedding, best man Charlie gets the old gang back together for a fun-filled, post reception after party, at the newlyweds' home, where he has been staying for several weeks. Unsure of how to proceed with his own troubled marriage, Charlie reunites "the fellas" fifteen years after high school, in hopes that revisiting the past will help him find clarity for the future. What he finds, however, is that while his friends have all taken different paths, they are all faced with similar conundrums that comes with being in one's thirties.
Walter (Technician)
Землю атакуют инопланетяне. Сопротивление захватчикам оказывает небольшая группа энтузиастов…
An action packed chase led by Hal and Ashley to save the people on this small island from a strange electrical storm which is led by angry souls from a mass suicide looking for revenge.
Ned Humphreys
An ambitious city councilman has his life turned upside down when he discovers that his every move is being filmed by a camera crew that only he can see.
Под ландшафтом Аляски вечная мерзлота начинает таять, создавая подземные реки жидкого метана, испарение которого вызывает землетрясения.
Poltergeist Man
Жестокого и свирепого хоккеиста Дерека Томпсона часто зовут «Зубной феей» — сами догадайтесь почему. За выбитые на ледовой арене зубы своим соперникам он денег не даёт, а придётся, ведь самые настоящие зубные феи давно точат на него зуб.
Известный автор научно-фантастических романов в настоящем, а в прошлом талантливый учёный Чарли Прайс отправляется в рекламный тур по США. В одном из захолустных городков он сталкивается со своими бывшими коллегами, проводящими засекреченный эксперимент, нацеленный на поиск методов управления погодой. Но вмешательство в высшие сферы приводит к резкому похолоданию и образованию сильнейших смерчей…
When a piece of the massive comet "Copernicus" collides with the Earth, it knocks the planet off of its axis and unleashes a disaster never before witnessed. Dr. James Mayfield (Jack Coleman) and his highly trained research team are the only ones who can re-align the axis. With his wife and teenage son in mortal danger, Dr. James Mayfield (Jack Coleman) calls on his crack research team to help realign the planet's axis before the effects of the catastrophe are irreversible.
Would be filmmakers, Nick and Vince, dream of making it big and getting out of Nowheresville. Their goal is to make the next indie blockbuster of Blair Witch proportions and they have just the idea to take them to the top: a documentary about their hometown hero Scott Speedman. As Nick and Vince scour the city to document Scott Speedman stories, they encounter prolific producer Dietrich Baum, who agrees to help them if they can get the "actual Scott Speedman" in their movie. Nick and Vince seem destined to succeed. The only thing in their way, is reality.
Would be filmmakers, Nick and Vince, dream of making it big and getting out of Nowheresville. Their goal is to make the next indie blockbuster of Blair Witch proportions and they have just the idea to take them to the top: a documentary about their hometown hero Scott Speedman. As Nick and Vince scour the city to document Scott Speedman stories, they encounter prolific producer Dietrich Baum, who agrees to help them if they can get the "actual Scott Speedman" in their movie. Nick and Vince seem destined to succeed. The only thing in their way, is reality.
Would be filmmakers, Nick and Vince, dream of making it big and getting out of Nowheresville. Their goal is to make the next indie blockbuster of Blair Witch proportions and they have just the idea to take them to the top: a documentary about their hometown hero Scott Speedman. As Nick and Vince scour the city to document Scott Speedman stories, they encounter prolific producer Dietrich Baum, who agrees to help them if they can get the "actual Scott Speedman" in their movie. Nick and Vince seem destined to succeed. The only thing in their way, is reality.
Wrestling Store Employee
A teenage girl plots to keep her parents' marriage together, erroneously thinking they're considering divorce.