Follows Lee Fletcher IV, a high school senior who develops a crush on his openly gay classmate, but then finds himself stalked by a faceless creature that continuously inhabits his thoughts and threatens physical harm.
new to town, Brandon just started his first day on the job when his boss informs him that experienced mechanic, Evan will be training him. the two quickly realize they have a connection like no other.
Nick Perkins
Социопат и гик, Стивен Турано, хочет покончить жизнь самоубийством. Однако в школе появляется необычный парень по имени Кларенс. Он помогает ему преодолеть депрессию, и они становятся настоящими друзьями. Однако, не все проблемы можно решить так просто.
When teenager Kendra lies about her age to get into a Hollywood party, she meets handsome reality TV star, Brad. But when she discovers that Brad is not as charming as he seems, Kendra rejects him, only to realize that he has become obsessed with her and will stop at nothing--including dating her widowed mother--to be near her.