David Keith Miller

David Keith Miller


David Keith Miller


Written In Blood
Detective John Traveller (Peter Coyote) is convicted of the murder of his wife and her lover. His partner and friend, Detective Matthew Ransom, becomes very upset, affecting his marriage that was not working well. The lover of John's wife was the son of Luke Williams, a detective of the same department, and he does not accept the death of his son. After the trial and conviction of John, Matthew separates from his wife Mary Ramson, being sexually arrested by John's daughter Jude. Meanwhile, a serial killer kills the enemies of John, leaving clues in the crime scenes relatives to Sherlock Holmes tales and Matthew suspects of Jude.
Time Lapse
Clayton Pierce is an agent working under deep cover. Although he is a top agent, he is questioning his loyalty after twenty years of service. His devotion has already cost him his wife, family and personal life. During a de-briefing from his last assignment, he is unknowingly administered the drug Oblivion, which destroys brain cells causing permanent memory loss. Within a few days of injection, the drug's effects become irreversible. Clayton will not only lose his memory, he will lose his identity as well. He realizes he can no longer rely on anyone at the agency to help him, not even his boss, Agent LaNova. With nowhere left to go, he appeals to his ex-wife, Kate, for help. Clayton and Kate must locate the antidote before it's too late.
I Like to Play Games Too
An advertising agent (Maria Ford) comes up against a client (Bobby Johnston) she is unable to manipulate through her seduction games.
Жизнь жиголо
Журналистка собирает материал для статьи о мужской проституции. Она встречается с красавцем-жиголо, и через некоторое время понимает, что он ей нравится. Между тем жиголо продолжает удовлетворять ее, а также других, голодных до секса женщин.
Sheer Passion
A lingerie model has been strangled inside a wealthy fashion designer's house, and the designer is the obvious suspect. When the police appear to be dragging their feet on the investigation, private detective Cassandra decides to do her own investigation, posing as a model.
Losing Control
Kim is suffering from writer's block. A chance encounter with a handsome stranger opens her to a world of risky sexual experimentation. However, she becomes worried when he refuses to say anything about himself.
Allyson Is Watching
Innocent, sexy Allyson leaves her boyfriend Peter to go to acting classes in Los Angeles. In Los Angeles she rents a room in an apartment building from the grumpy Mr. Merry next to the resident working girl, Bridget. During the day Allyson struggles with her acting lessons at arrogant Eric Constantine's acting school whilst at night she plays with herself as she watches beautiful, confident Bridget through the keyhole servicing her clients. In class she meets professional photographer Jerry who offers to shoot her a portfolio.
Guarded Secrets
A lifeguard gets in over his head when he meets a mobster and his beautiful wife.
Between the Lies
A private detective has an affair with an obsessed client. She then starts putting ideas into his head that his wife is cheating on him with her dance partner hoping he will leave his wife for her. The private detective then thinks that his wife is actually having an affair and starts spying on her and ends up having an affair with his client again thinking it is OK because his wife is cheating on him when she is actually completely innocent.
Teach Me Tonight
Michael and Janie are a pair of young grad students living together on a quiet college campus. One day, Janie discovers that Michael has been cheating on her. She walks out on him, only to come back the next day to find him dead of a gunshot wound. The police suspect Janie, but the evidence seems to implicate Janie's friend, Frankie. Somehow, Janie must find a way to prove herself innocent while still protecting her friend.
Стеклянная клетка
В самом злачном месте бурлящего Нового Орлеана ночном клубе «Стеклянная клетка» гангстер Бурасса под прикрытием продажного полицейского Монтрашета проворачивает свои темные делишки. Звезда клуба и любовница Бурасса Жаклин вне себя от ярости, когда ее бывший любовник Пол устраивается в «Стеклянную клетку» барменом. Не зная, что они знакомы, Бурасса посылает их в Мексику за крадеными бриллиантами. Жаклин поддается уговорам Пола, и они вновь становятся любовниками. Но их связь не остается секретом для Бурасса и он вынуждает Пола стать наемным убийцей, угрожая в случае отказа убить Жаклин. Пол должен вести двойную игру, чтобы остаться в живых и навсегда освободить Жаклин из «Стеклянной клетки».
A rundown apartment building in L.A. holds a very special secret. Below the foundation lies a spring that is home to a beautiful nymph. This nymph comes up for air from time to time to cast her magical spell on the building's tenants - and you!
Club V.R.
The Century club VR club virtual reality in Los Angeles. When there is a brutal murder, a beautiful female-investigator begins the investigation. However, she soon realizes that the case might interfere with her sexual fantasies.
Опасная игра
Семья 11-летнего Стюарта захвачена террористами, разыскивающими секретный документ. Мальчику приходится в одиночку противостоять вооруженным бандитам, спасая родителей, сестру и себя.
Мне нравится играть в игры
Michael is looking for a woman who likes to play games, but when he finds Suzanne, she might just be more than he bargained for.
Фантастическая четверка
В результате неудачного эксперимента погибает друг Рида Ричардса - Виктор. Десять лет спустя Ричардс собирает команду из четырех человек, чтобы полететь в космос и повторить эксперимент. На этот раз он намерен добиться успеха, чтобы смерть друга не была напрасной. Но в их планы вмешиваются другие силы, в результате чего герои получают необычайные способности.
Treasure Island: The Adventure Begins
Mr. Pogue
A young boy with an active imagination vacations at Treasure Island in Las Vegas with his parents and fantasizes that he meets Long John Silver.
Turn of the Blade
Jerry Breezin
The niece of a wealthy land developer stalks a married man and may also be trying to kill his actress wife.