Jaime Doria


Detective #1
Поставлен фильм-загадка по роману Патрис Чаплин. Визуально картина сделана весьма плотно и интересно - это первый художественный фильм Мэри Ламберт, известной видеоклипами, снятыми для Мадонны. Картина Мэри Ламберт начинается с того, что главная героиня, вся в синяках и побоях, в залитом кровью красном платье приходит в себя, лежа посереди бескрайнего поля, расположенного за аэродромом. Что с ней произошло? Где она? Почему такой вид? Она не помнит и не знает... Единственное падение, приносящее радость, - это падение в омут любви. Очнувшись на взлетном поле, Клер пытается вспомнить, что с ней произошло. Ее платье в крови, - и она думает, что убила человека - но кого? Постепенно Клер вспоминает события последних дней, проведенных в горячке любви: приезд в Испанию к бывшему любовнику Огустино, его жену, жестокую ревность... Клер не боится наказания, она надеется только на то, что Огустин жив.
The Black Pearl
The young Ramon Salazar, son of a village owner, dreams of becoming a pearl fisherman. His father agrees to let him experience this job. Ramon enters a forbidden cave, den of a giant skate nicknamed the Manta Diablo. He finds an oyster containing a black pearl of unusual size. His father donates it to the Virgin rather than sell it to dishonest traffickers. Shortly after, the flotilla of the village led by Salazar perishes at sea. Ramon must face the Manta Diablo with another fisherman to bring prosperity to the village ..
Профессия: Репортер
Журналист с философской фамилией Дэвид Локк приезжает делать материал в Северную Сахару, но работа не клеится. Очередной тягостно-жаркий день приносит неприятный сюрприз: умирает сосед, живущий в номере напротив. Повинуясь внезапному порыву, Локк забирает багаж покойного, переклеивает фотографию в паспорте и спешно покидает отель в смутном предчувствии новой жизни.
Juegos de sociedad
Cliente club
Jenaro, el de los 14
Lo verde empieza en los Pirineos
Don Serafin has a complex: to all the beautiful women always seen with a beard. To remove the complex and try to cure him, his friends will lead to Biarritz. To do this, the friends decide to cross the border protagonists of the Pyrenees and dive into the orgy of nudity and "green film" that was developed in France.
Sonny and Jed
Jed (Tomas Milian) is an unlikely hero in this Italian western. As thoroughly unlikeable a robber as ever walked the West, he nonetheless robs from the rich and gives to the poor. Not only is he a murderous, ill-tempered sort, he is bad-mannered, too. When Sonny (Susan George) decides he should be her man and teach her how to be a proper outlaw, sparks fly.
¿Qué hacemos con los hijos?
The driver Antonio, boasts of his sons: John, who shares his work as a taxi driver, Luisa, ladies hairdresser, Antonito, studying to be a lawyer, and Paloma, to be a housewife. But Antonio does not know that their children are not exactly as he thinks. The day Antonio finds out, confronts his wife and children and suffers a big disappointment. Since then no one in the family speaks to Antonio, and he believes that it is best to let them see for themselves that they made a mistake, but this does not result, since each will see their problems increased.
Un millón en la basura
Policía que toma datos
In the vast army of human society, Pepe, a sweeper, occupies one of the last places: anonymous, gray, vague. Pepe is a member of that ghostly dawn brigade, to blow hose, clean the streets at dawn. One day Pepe finds a million in the trash. Financial need of the poor sweeper suggests keeping the money, but his wife advises him to do his civic duty and return the money ...
Nuevo en esta plaza
Film that tells the biography of the great bullfighter Sebastian Palomo Linares Linares, with the very skilled actor who plays the character. Palomo Linares belongs to a poor family but with great human values​​. He, like many others of his age, has a dream: to be a bullfighter. He works as an apprentice shoemaker fights secretly at night in the meadows. After a career of suffering and obstacles, the boy never lost hope, typical of his strong Christian convictions, and became a teacher, finally achieving success in the sand. The film shows with particular clarity the great Spanish tradition, as is the art of bullfighting.