In the latest musical family film De Grote Sinterklaas film: Gespuis in the Toy Vault, Hugo Hogepief is given the important task of looking after Sinterklaas' key ring. This ring gives access to the safe in which all the presents for Christmas Eve are stored. But when he accidentally falls, Hugo no longer knows who or where he is.
When Mammie and Stan are freed from jail the two once again set their sights on eliminating the Black Petes and Saint Nicholas.
Sinterklaas and the Pieten have a big problem. The castle of Sinterklaas is about to collapse. It must be demolished. That is why Sinterklaas and the Pieten are forced to stay at a campsite. Even Hugo Hogepief is at a loss, because no castle means no presents and gingerbread cookies for the children. Even though Kim Kado, Marco Marsepein and Willem Wortel try their utmost, there is a huge chance that the Sinterklaas party will not happen. But is the castle of Sinterklaas really about to collapse or is it a cunning plan by Stan & Olivier? Kikkie and Paco don't trust everything and start an investigation. Will they manage to save the Sinterklaas party?
The festive arrival of Sinterklaas is overshadowed by a huge problem: due to a large shortage of staff, the tradition threatens to disappear once and for all. Sinterklaas is desperate: where can he find new, good staff on such short notice? The youngest member of staff suggests they organize an audition in which everybody can show off their skills in order to become a member of staff; a so-called 'Piet'. Sem writes a letter to register for this audition immediately. If he can become a tough, strong 'Piet', his bullies will never harass him again. But what nobody knows is that Huibert Jan and his "Mammie" are trying to sabotage the audition with an evil scheme. Will Sem, Patty Pepernoot and 'Piet' Bennie successfully save the audition or is this the end of the festive and beloved Sinterklaas tradition?
Throughout the country there is only one child who never puts her shoe: Floor. If she wants something, she just asks her rich father, the baron. Until Floor wants a pool full of chocolate items one day.
Фильм раскрывает все тайны культового динамичного города глазами его животных обитателей. Эта история, «рассказанная» котом Фрицем, напоминает нам, что город существует не только для людей. Миллионы других, порой незаметных нам, жителей приспосабливаются к улицам, каналам, кирпичным и железобетонным зданиям и чувствуют себя здесь также комфортно (или не очень) как в первозданной природе.
On her 13th birthday Katie, a talented young girl, receives a magical amulet. This amulet was on a quest to find the fifth and last witch to complete the order of the star witches. Because in it's incomplete form, the order is unable to protect earth against the evil witch Concuela. While Katie is exploring her new magical powers together with her best friend Roy, Grimbeck, the dandy gatekeeper of the star witches arena, as well as the evil Concuela are desperately trying to find Katie.