Patricia Cabrera


My Tragic Neighbors
An actress creates theater from the lives in her apartment block through a monologue. Her neighbors—Medea, Antigone, Electra and six other tragic women— meet together by fate, while Death randomly calls to every apartment, waiting for one to open the door.
My Tragic Neighbors
An actress creates theater from the lives in her apartment block through a monologue. Her neighbors—Medea, Antigone, Electra and six other tragic women— meet together by fate, while Death randomly calls to every apartment, waiting for one to open the door.
My Tragic Neighbors
An actress creates theater from the lives in her apartment block through a monologue. Her neighbors—Medea, Antigone, Electra and six other tragic women— meet together by fate, while Death randomly calls to every apartment, waiting for one to open the door.
My Tragic Neighbors
An actress creates theater from the lives in her apartment block through a monologue. Her neighbors—Medea, Antigone, Electra and six other tragic women— meet together by fate, while Death randomly calls to every apartment, waiting for one to open the door.
My Tragic Neighbors
An actress creates theater from the lives in her apartment block through a monologue. Her neighbors—Medea, Antigone, Electra and six other tragic women— meet together by fate, while Death randomly calls to every apartment, waiting for one to open the door.
My Tragic Neighbors
An actress creates theater from the lives in her apartment block through a monologue. Her neighbors—Medea, Antigone, Electra and six other tragic women— meet together by fate, while Death randomly calls to every apartment, waiting for one to open the door.
El Niño Semilla
Nublado, cubierto y lluvia
Coni is a young girl who lives an individualistic and routine family life. One day she has to make a decision and rethink her life.
Сексназ капитана Пантохи
В связи с участившимися случаями изнасилований гражданских лиц военнослужащими удаленных гарнизонов Амазонии, капитан Пантоха, при соблюдении строгой секретности, займется организацией Службы Визитов по доставке проституток для бойцов, несущих службу в джунглях. Работа этой секс-службы будет стимулировать укрепление боеспособности и повышение морального духа военнослужащих. Капитан Пантоха лично займется отбором, проверкой и обучением кадров для этой ответственной работы. Важные пометки: Несмотря на моральную устойчивость офицера Пантохи, рекомендуется дополнительный контроль в связи с особой спецификой задания.
Ni con Dios ni con El Diablo