Норвежские учёные придумывают решение проблемы перенаселения Земли. Они разрабатывают технологию по уменьшению людей. Более того, все, кто отважился на такое крохотное существование, смогут позволить себе райские условия жизни. Поэтому парень по имени Пол вместе с женой Одри решаются на эту процедуру, чтобы обменять свою простую жизнь на новую роскошную.
Erica has a secret relationship to the married Sebastian. When his wife Liv finds out, she decides to confront Erica over an evening of gin and tonics. Erica is soon being pushed to question what things in life are worth fighting for.
Erica has a secret relationship to the married Sebastian. When his wife Liv finds out, she decides to confront Erica over an evening of gin and tonics. Erica is soon being pushed to question what things in life are worth fighting for.
Assistant Director
A young girl does everything in her power to stage herself and her surroundings. However, the games she is playing doesn't seem to give her what she really needs.