Jun Kamiya


Blue Seed Beyond
The Aragami return once again to ravage the city, and it is up to the Terrestrial Administration Centre to stop them. Fujimiya Momiji and Kusanagi Mamoru's relationship is on ice; the rest of the TAC is scrambling to get things together so they can effectively wipe out the Aragami. A mysterious girl, claiming to be a half-Aragami like Mamoru, is causing chaos for the TAC and Momiji as well. Will they be able to pull together in time?
Blue Seed 1.5
A two-episode retelling of the Blue Seed storyline with one episode from Momiji's point of view and the other from Kusanagi's.
Девушка из Фантазии
Много лет назад, когда люди стали предаваться себялюбию и злости, могущественные эльфы-волшебники создали прекрасный ковёр сотканный из тысяч заклинаний и поселили в его чертогах свой народ. Много лет границы эльфийской волшебной страны названной Фантазией охраняли сильнейшие эльфы-стражи, которым строго настрого запретили общаться с людьми. Но вот, в наши дни ново испечённая стражница Марон, решает покинуть Фантазию, ведь она верит, что люди наконец научились любить и готовы снова принять её и эльфийский народ.
Seikima II - Humane Society
Seikima II was a real-life Japanese death-metal band. Full of kabuki makeup, songs about rape, murder, and satanic destruction, and a public persona of devilish evil. The OVA purports to tell the backstory of the band, which, according to its publicity, was composed of actual demons (akuma) from the parallel dimension Makai. In the OVA, five vicious demons (the five band members), led by Demon Kogure (the lead singer), are plotting the destruction of humanity. The only effective opposition comes from the saintly Rosa, who is actually the reformed war goddess Freyja in disguise. The demons attempt to activate their ultimate weapon, the Tower of Babel, before Rosa can complete her counter weapon, the Tower of Cain. The demons triumph and are on the verge on destroying the world when their leader suddenly decides that they should, instead, form a rock-and-roll band in order to convert people everywhere into demon worshipers.