Balázs Lengyel


Maybe Tomorrow
Two cars, four people, one tree. Sometimes we set off somewhere for something, and then things turn out differently than we planned. Friendship, love, lies and betrayal in two short stories. Different characters, different times, the question is the same...
Come On
Réka, a young veterinarian, visits her brother on his ranch. Áron needs her help to take down one of the horses, but if she helps him their life will never be the same again.
Come On
Réka, a young veterinarian, visits her brother on his ranch. Áron needs her help to take down one of the horses, but if she helps him their life will never be the same again.
The story revolves around Balint, a Hungarian obstetrician and soon-to-be father, who returns to his native village in north-eastern Romania to face the son he abandoned 17 years ago.
Veronika and Tibor are soon to be retired doctors. For Tibor's birthday his wife gives him an unusal gift. A prostitute.
Veronika and Tibor are soon to be retired doctors. For Tibor's birthday his wife gives him an unusal gift. A prostitute.
Lajko: Gypsy in Space
In 1957 the Soviet Union decides to give Hungary the chance to choose the world's first cosmonaut, who can be the very first person in space. It seems like the best candidate is Lajkó, the gypsy spraying pilot.
Lajko: Gypsy in Space
In 1957 the Soviet Union decides to give Hungary the chance to choose the world's first cosmonaut, who can be the very first person in space. It seems like the best candidate is Lajkó, the gypsy spraying pilot.
A répa
A répa
Хеллбой II: Золотая армия
После того как древнее перемирие между человечеством и тайным миром было нарушено, на Земле вот-вот разверзнется ад. Безжалостный принц Нуада, хочет уничтожить человечество. Хэллбою предстоит сразиться с беспощадным диктатором и его воинами. Вместе со своей командой «Бюро Паранормальных Исследований и Развития» он будет бороздить границы двух миров — нашего и скрытого, где самые невероятные существа обретают плоть. Хэллбою, порожденному обоими мирами, но не принадлежащему ни одному из них, предстоит нелегкий бой.