Basile Grunberger

Basile Grunberger


Basile Grunberger


Космический мальчик
Прибыв в новый городок со своим папой, Джим, одаренный 11-летний мальчик, должен принять участие в конкурсе молодых ученых вместе со своей новой одноклассницей Эммой. Джим убеждает ее втайне построить настоящий воздушный шар.
Our Struggles
While Olivier, a 39 year-old foreman gives his job everything he’s got, Laura, his wife and the mother of their two children, abandons the family home, leaving Olivier alone to face his responsibilities. Lost and completely thrown, Olivier is going to have to come to terms with his new status as a single father raising his children alone. Because Laura’s not coming back.